Hello Daniel,

Thanks for the clarification. I have looked into the souce for
load_proxy_balancer and it is using the post_request method to mark the
BalancerMemeber as defunct which cannot trigger failover within the request.

With your help may be I can hack this feature into the module. What is the
appropriate place to start working. Can you give me a conceptual idea for
implementing this feature as you are the developer.

Thank you.

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 3:53 AM, Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net>wrote:

>  On 6/18/2012 3:17 PM, Praveen Baratam wrote:
>  Can mod_proxy failover with out ever returning an error to the client?
> If active node fails I need mod_proxy to try the Standby for the same
> request and not just from the subsequent request!
> In our setup we are using mod_proxy_balancer to manage failover of backend
> servers. Backend servers may return an error code instead of timing out
> when some service such as NFS fails and we want such servers also to be
> marked as failed nodes. Hence we are using *failonstatus* directive for
> the balancer.
> <Proxy balancer://failover>
>     ProxySet failonstatus=503
>     BalancerMember http://active/ retry=30
>     # the hot standby
>     BalancerMember http://standby/ status=+H retry=0
> </Proxy>
> RewriteBase /RewriteRule ^(.*)$ balancer://failover/$1 [P,L]
>  Currently the failover works perfectly with one glitch. When active node
> fails the user gets a 503 error and from the next request the Standby
> server takes over.
> I dont want even a single request to fail though.
> Can this be achieved?
> Thank you!
> Praveen;
>    I'm afraid there are no provisions available to retry a request to
> another backend server once it has been sent to a balancer member. I would
> like to fix this some day but I am just not aware of a place that this can
> be done currently as the balancer willy only attempt another backend on
> connection failure only.
> --
> Daniel Ruggeri

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