
I am a Citrix Admin and unfamiliar with Apache. 
Our Apache admins said me that I need to reconfigure my Citrix setup.
But I think that Apache admins must reconfigure their Apache server. 8)
I need an impartial judge!

We have the next setup:

external clients-------> Apache HTTP Server (reverse proxy 
configured)--------->Firewall----->Citrix Secure Gateway (Citrix Web Interface 
on the same server)--------Citrix Farm(Servers with Applications).

Apache Server resides in external network, but Citrix Secure Gateway and Farm 
reside in internal network.
Apache server exposes internal address of Citrix Secure Interface 
(https://secgateway.domain1.com/citrix/xenap) as 
External clients launch programs from Citrix farm using Web interface 
https://proxyserver.domain2.com/citrix/xenapp address.
Clients use HTTPS to connect to Citrix Secure Gateway.

PROBLEM: When client connects to Citrix Secure Gateway (Web Interface) it 
connects via Apache HTTP server (I see it by meanse of netstat -a command).
But when client launches any application clicking on Web Interface icon, the 
citrix client is trying to connect to Cirtrix Secure Gateway directly omitting 
the Apache HTTP Server!
But Cirtrix Secure Gateway IP is behind the firewall and application did not 
launch with error.
When user launches app via proxy server, the ica-file redirects user to 
secgateway.domain1.com rather then to proxyserver.domain2.com. We must open 
ports on firewall to Secure Gateway too.
This is a security problem for us. Is it possible to launch apps only via one 
Apache proxy server?
We need all traffic (ICA and HTTPS) go through Apache! We need a possibility to 
launch apps from XenApp farm by means of connecting Apache HTTP server (IBM 
HTTP Server 7.0) rather then Secure Gateway.

Below IBM HTTP Server 7.0 httpd.conf from our Apache admins:

<VirtualHost *:443>
#SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
SSLClientAuth none
SSLProxyEngine on
SSLCipherSpec 34
SSLCipherSpec 35
SSLCipherSpec 3A
SSLCipherSpec 33
SSLCipherSpec 36
SSLCipherSpec 39
SSLCipherSpec 32
SSLCipherSpec 31
SSLCipherSpec 30
<Location /Citrix>
order deny,allow
allow from all
ProxyPass /Citrix https://secgateway.domain1.com/citrix/xenapp
ProxyPassReverse /Citrix https://secgateway.domain1.com/citrix/xenapp

Thank you for any help!

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