Thank you for reply, Martin.
Below see a short part of WI page source code. This is a code of one link: to 
launch Internet Explorer via WI.
I see that there is no direct html links there, but there are asp-code instead.
The process looks as follows:
1) User click on icon of application on Web interface
2)ASP file (launcher.asp) runs on server and generates ica-file.
3)Client downloads ICA-file. 
4)ICA-file has a
5) Client goes directly to instead of Apache proxy and 
Intenet Explorer runs on xencitrixfarm...

 false;" onMouseDown=" 
                        title="Microsoft Intenet Explorer 8 RUS"
alt="Microsoft Intenet Explorer 8 RUS" title="Microsoft Intenet Explorer 8 RUS" 
><br><span>Microsoft Intenet Explorer 8 RUS</span><img
src="../media/Transparent16.gif" alt=""

08.10.2012, 03:01, "Martin Hasicek" <>:
> Well .. apache do proxy for ICA/SSL. On another side, Apache is not 
> responsible for content generated from WI. HTTP protocol has two parts. One 
> is Header second is Contect.
> Apache do proxy on Header:
> Client -> GET request -> Apache proxy -> GET request (rewrited - only Header) 
> -> WI
> (And back)
> Content part of Page from WI is unchanged. If it consist URL like 
> it is not rewritten by apache.  So client 
> click on Link/Button/Icon/Whatever with such link and browser/ICA Client make 
> request to secgateway instead of your apache proxy.
> To summary, browser of your client (or ICA Client) should receive correct URL 
> where to connect ...
> In older posts of this forum I found this example (your configuration should 
> work also, but maybe help):
> <Virtualhost>
>    Servername
>    ProxyRequests Off
>    AllowCONNECT 443
>    ProxyPass / backendserver
>    ProxyPassReverse / backendserver
> </Virtualhost>
> mh
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Yuriy Medvedev <> wrote:
>> There is no any HTTP links to Citrix gateway in ICA file. I will try to 
>> explain how Citrix works.
>> Without Apache:
>> 1. User connects to webinterface (WI) site by meanse of Internet Explorer 
>> (in our case via HTTPS) and address 
>> (
>> 2. User sees WI site and clicks on icon that represents application.
>> 3. Citrix client (installed on User's PC) loads ICA file from WI 
>> corresponding to application. This ICA file generted automatically by WI.
>> 4. There is a parameter in ICA file SSLProxyHost that in my case is 
>> 5. Clients trys to connect via ICA\SSL protocol.
>> 6. Then redirects to WI, and WI redirects to Citrix 
>> Farm to launch the selected app.
>> With Apache:
>> 1.User connects to Apache reverse proxy via HTTPS and address 
>> 2. Apache represents Citrix WI to user. The WI is the same as 
>> 3.User sees WI site and clicks on icon that represents application.
>> then we go 4,5,6 exatcly as if we do not have any Apache reverse proxy!
>> Client goes directly to Citrix gateway using ICA\SSL protocol. This is the 
>> main problem: Why Apache does not proxy ICA\SSL?
>> 07.10.2012, 20:43, "Martin Hasicek" <>:
>>> Hi after first look, configuration of apache looks fine. Please try to view 
>>> source code of Somewhere 
>>> should be link, which is relative (like href="./citrix/...") or absolute 
>>> (like href="";). I expect, it is 
>>> absolute and this cause your problem (because instead of proxyserver you 
>>> have in url your secutiryGW).
>>> Apache proxy has nothing with content which is served by Citrix. It means, 
>>> problem is on your side. I'm not so familiar with citrix to point you on 
>>> right place, but short google search should solve your problem.
>>> mh
>>> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Yuriy Medvedev <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am a Citrix Admin and unfamiliar with Apache.
>>>> Our Apache admins said me that I need to reconfigure my Citrix setup.
>>>> But I think that Apache admins must reconfigure their Apache server. 8)
>>>> I need an impartial judge!
>>>> We have the next setup:
>>>> external clients-------> Apache HTTP Server (reverse proxy 
>>>> configured)--------->Firewall----->Citrix Secure Gateway (Citrix Web 
>>>> Interface on the same server)--------Citrix Farm(Servers with 
>>>> Applications).
>>>> Apache Server resides in external network, but Citrix Secure Gateway and 
>>>> Farm reside in internal network.
>>>> Apache server exposes internal address of Citrix Secure Interface 
>>>> ( as 
>>>> External clients launch programs from Citrix farm using Web interface 
>>>> address.
>>>> Clients use HTTPS to connect to Citrix Secure Gateway.
>>>> PROBLEM: When client connects to Citrix Secure Gateway (Web Interface) it 
>>>> connects via Apache HTTP server (I see it by meanse of netstat -a command).
>>>> But when client launches any application clicking on Web Interface icon, 
>>>> the citrix client is trying to connect to Cirtrix Secure Gateway directly 
>>>> omitting the Apache HTTP Server!
>>>> But Cirtrix Secure Gateway IP is behind the firewall and application did 
>>>> not launch with error.
>>>> When user launches app via proxy server, the ica-file redirects user to 
>>>> rather then to We must 
>>>> open ports on firewall to Secure Gateway too.
>>>> This is a security problem for us. Is it possible to launch apps only via 
>>>> one Apache proxy server?
>>>> We need all traffic (ICA and HTTPS) go through Apache! We need a 
>>>> possibility to launch apps from XenApp farm by means of connecting Apache 
>>>> HTTP server (IBM HTTP Server 7.0) rather then Secure Gateway.
>>>> Below IBM HTTP Server 7.0 httpd.conf from our Apache admins:
>>>> Listen
>>>> <VirtualHost *:443>
>>>> SSLEnable
>>>> #SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
>>>> SSLClientAuth none
>>>> SSLProxyEngine on
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 34
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 35
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 3A
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 33
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 36
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 39
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 32
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 31
>>>> SSLCipherSpec 30
>>>> #Citrix
>>>> <Location /Citrix>
>>>> order deny,allow
>>>> allow from all
>>>> </Location>
>>>> ProxyPass /Citrix
>>>> ProxyPassReverse /Citrix
>>>> </VirtualHost>
>>>> Thank you for any help!
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