Ben Johnson wrote:
I'm not convinced that mod_rewrite has anything to do with this; it can
probably be removed from the equation entirely. I mean, I assume that
you receive the same error ("client denied by server configuration:
/wiki/index.php") when you hit the URL
/wiki/index.php?page=Life+in+Evesham directly, right? works fine
As does loading the home page.
But I do agree that mod_rewrite does seem to have done the right job!

Regarding mod_info, while I have not tested this with Apache 2.4, it
should be as simple as installing the module and adding something like
this to your server configuration:

<IfModule mod_info.c>
<Location /server-info>
Require all granted
SetHandler server-info

You'll probably want to add some kind of authentication requirement to
the <Location> block, too, so that unauthorized parties cannot view your
configuration directives.
mod_info is now loaded, but currently I'm just flipping to home page .... just working through the settings.
Just working through Yehuda's link as well.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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