On 11/13/2012 11:45 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Antonio Vidal Ferrer wrote:
>> May be as a first step, start enabling Rewrite log. Put
>> RewriteLogLevel at 5, to
>> see what is being rewrited. Then based on that we can check what it's
>> making it
>> fail.
> The rewrite is apparently doing the correct conversion from
> http://evesham.uk.com/wiki/Life+in+Evesham
> to
> http://evesham.uk.com/wiki/index.php?page=Life+in+Evesham
> The full format works fine, it's what is being used now as the site is
> live.
> With the 'LogLevel alert rewrite:trace5' commented out I get
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:24.546411 2012] [authz_core:error] [pid 18394:tid
> 140678935852800] [client] AH01630: client denied by
> server configuration: /wiki/index.php
> Which I presume IS the fault I'm trying to clear?
> Enabling the Loglevel setting I get
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310846 2012] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] init rewrite
> engine with requested uri /wiki/Location+and+Travel
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310894 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] applying
> pattern '^.*$' to uri '/wiki/Location+and+Travel'
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310969 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] applying
> pattern '^/wiki/view/(.+)$' to uri '/wiki/Location+and+Travel'
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310993 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] applying
> pattern '^/wiki/(.+)$' to uri '/wiki/Location+and+Travel'
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311026 2012] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] rewrite
> '/wiki/Location+and+Travel' -> '/wiki/index.php?page=Location+and+Travel'
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311047 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] split
> uri=/wiki/index.php?page=Location+and+Travel -> uri=/wiki/index.php,
> args=page=Location+and+Travel
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311067 2012] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] local path
> result: /wiki/index.php
> [Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311089 2012] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 18791:tid
> 140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client]
> - -
> [evesham.uk.com/sid#7ff26e320370][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] go-ahead
> with /wiki/index.php [OK]
> At which point I asked for some help ... I think I've checked everything
> against the http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html#run-time
> crib sheet and I can get the site to give the right errors when I make a
> mistake but I am now lost as to where to go next.
> mod_info should be running, but I'm not seeing it currently .... still
> working on this.

I'm not convinced that mod_rewrite has anything to do with this; it can
probably be removed from the equation entirely. I mean, I assume that
you receive the same error ("client denied by server configuration:
/wiki/index.php") when you hit the URL
/wiki/index.php?page=Life+in+Evesham directly, right?

Regarding mod_info, while I have not tested this with Apache 2.4, it
should be as simple as installing the module and adding something like
this to your server configuration:

<IfModule mod_info.c>
<Location /server-info>
Require all granted
SetHandler server-info

You'll probably want to add some kind of authentication requirement to
the <Location> block, too, so that unauthorized parties cannot view your
configuration directives.


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