On 14/11/2012 7:44 AM, "Jeroen Geilman" <jer...@adaptr.nl> wrote:
> On 11/13/2012 09:34 PM, Lester Caine wrote:
>> Lester Caine wrote:
>> Found a few little niggles while sorting mod_info. I was still running
mod_access_compat and switching that off flagged a couple of problems. All
have now been cleared but no change to the 403 error on rewrite results.
>>> mod_info is now loaded, but currently I'm just flipping to home page
.... just
>>> working through the settings.
>> Now working but locked down locally at present ...
>> What should I be looking for.
>>> Just working through Yehuda's link as well.
>> I've tried a few things from the mediawiki article but I suspect that is
based on 2.2 working?
>> AH - found something!
>> I've switched the deny off on the '/' level
>> From server-info -----
>> Current Configuration:
>>     In file: /opt/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
>>      199: <Directory />
>>      201:   Require all granted ( Was denied )
>>         : </Directory>
>>      223: <Files ".ht*">
>>      224:   Require all denied
>>         : </Files>
>>      315: <Directory "/opt/apache2/cgi-bin">
>>      318:   Require all granted
>>         : </Directory>
>>     In file: /opt/apache2/conf/vhosts.d/25_vhost.eveshamtc.org.uk.conf
>>       60:   <Directory "/srv/website/eveshamtc.org.uk">
>>       73:     Options FollowSymLinks
>>       80:     AllowOverride All
>>         :   </Directory>
>>       94:   ErrorDocument 404 /index.php
>>         : </VirtualHost>
>> Warning: require_once(../kernel/setup_inc.php): failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in /wiki/index.php on line 16 Fatal error:
require_once(): Failed opening required '../kernel/setup_inc.php'
(include_path='.:/opt/php5/lib/php:/opt/php5/lib/php/PEAR') in
/wiki/index.php on line 16
>> Which is telling me that the rewrite has lost the local directory
details for the vhost ... Or at least I think that is the problem?
> No, PHP include errors have typically no cause in apache misconfiguration.
> --
> J.
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First on which os are you running on? Have you checked the file
permissions? Does MediaWiki come with its one apache config file? What
happens if you put Options +Indexes for the wiki directory?

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