On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Chris Arnold

>  The trailing slash is important.
> ProxyPass /
> >This is telling Apache to strip off the slash when it does the proxy.
> This is probably not what you want to do.
> I removed the trailing slash
I meant that you need the trailing slash...

>  >What URL are you using to access this vhost?
> >If you want to access https://example.com/share/ and have that hit the
> proxy, you would need to make the proxy config
>> ProxyPass /share/
> https://share.example.com which will end up being
> https://share.example.com/share
Exactly! Your config should be
ProxyPass /share/

This means that the path /share/ will be redirected to the same path on the
inner server.
The parallel
ProxyPass /
would give you the same effect, but also try to proxy any other paths that
are used on that vhost which is probably not what you want to do.

- Y

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