Good day!
I found strange behaviour of Apache.
Apache is installed and configured to run on the same host that is running
NFS server.
We used Gentoo and Apache 2.4.7
Since Apache does not give any content based on the NFS I enable in the
configuration file mmap, as well as, sendfile.
My colleague found in the logs recording errors like these:
[Tue Feb 18 06:30:06.996245 2014] [UwNSTn8AAAEAAHYzXg0AAAFE]
[access_compat:error] [pid 30259:tid 139673629742848] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration:
There is no directives prohibiting access, in configuration files of Apache
or .htaccess.
Also, he told me that he had already faced the same problem on the previous
server, which worked under the Apache 2.2 and FreeBSD.
After a long search, he did not find her decision until he has allocated a
separate partition for NFS, and then the error disappeared.
Since for error does not occur often, I decided to try to repeat it by
generating load on the server by "ab" utility and I got it.
The logs record error appeared:
[Tue Feb 18 09:48:35.211151 2014] [UwOA038AAAEAAFo2uLMAAADK]
[access_compat:error] [pid 23094:tid 140588271777536] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration:

Please help me to debug out my problem!

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