Wow wow wow!!! WTF??
[Wed Feb 19 19:35:51.512982 2014] [UwVb938AAAEAAEBDZMsAAABY] [-:error]
[pid 16451:tid 140425859868416] [client] PHP
Warning:  require_once(Application.php): failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in /var/www/site/index.php on line 31
[Wed Feb 19 19:35:51.513007 2014] [UwVb938AAAEAAEBDZMsAAABY] [-:error]
[pid 16451:tid 140425859868416] [client] PHP Fatal
error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'Application.php'
in /var/www/site/index.php on line 31
This file is already present! Permissions Ok!

2014-02-19 15:44 GMT+07:00 Vitaly L. Fadeev <>:
> Apache does not serve any files from NFS. Also in document root no symlinks
> presents to NFS directory and no includes from NFS.
> This error reached probably 1 on ~2000 requests.
> From: Vincenzo D'Amore []
> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3:32 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Unconfirmed BUG
> Hi,
> maybe apache user haven't permissions to access to the file system located
> under NFS. Have you tried to double check apache user permission?
> You could also try 'su - apache' and through the shell move into the
> unreachable path.
> If you want directly debug apache process you should start it in debug mode,
> i.e. single thread. And using 'strace' utility try to trace the system
> calls.
> Ciao,
> Vincenzo
> --
> mobile: 3498513251
> skype:
> On 18/feb/2014, at 17:33, Виталий Фадеев <> wrote:
> Good day!
> I found strange behaviour of Apache.
> Apache is installed and configured to run on the same host that is running
> NFS server.
> We used Gentoo and Apache 2.4.7
> Since Apache does not give any content based on the NFS I enable in the
> configuration file mmap, as well as, sendfile.
> My colleague found in the logs recording errors like these:
> [Tue Feb 18 06:30:06.996245 2014] [UwNSTn8AAAEAAHYzXg0AAAFE]
> [access_compat:error] [pid 30259:tid 139673629742848] [client
>] AH01797: client denied by server configuration:
> /var/www/site
> There is no directives prohibiting access, in configuration files of Apache
> or .htaccess.
> Also, he told me that he had already faced the same problem on the previous
> server, which worked under the Apache 2.2 and FreeBSD.
> After a long search, he did not find her decision until he has allocated a
> separate partition for NFS, and then the error disappeared.
> Since for error does not occur often, I decided to try to repeat it by
> generating load on the server by "ab" utility and I got it.
> The logs record error appeared:
> [Tue Feb 18 09:48:35.211151 2014] [UwOA038AAAEAAFo2uLMAAADK]
> [access_compat:error] [pid 23094:tid 140588271777536] [client
>] AH01797: client denied by server configuration:
> /var/www/site
> Please help me to debug out my problem!

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