   I would like to draw attention to a tutorial session[1] that I am
offering during ApacheCon Friday morning. The tutorial is called "Let's
do something with httpd: The tutorial designed by YOU" and I think you
can imagine what I would like to ask next...

   The objective of the tutorial is show someone unfamiliar or lightly
experienced with httpd how to get up and running and doing "stuff"...
but what stuff? That's where I am looking for your help. I watch the
users list regularly and have a good idea of what content to cover, but
what would YOU like to see covered during the conference? How can we
help YOU get further down the road to being an elite httpd server
administrator? The tutorial runs for three (or more?) hours so all
topics are welcome!

Feel free to reply directly to me or on the discussion list. I also hope
to reach out directly to those already enrolled in the tutorial.

Thanks - see you in Denver!


Daniel Ruggeri

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