
I used during several years a portable version of my webserver under
windows 7/8 to shift from laptop to desktop computer and without
duplicating webserver from one computer to another.

i'm trying to do the same under ubuntu 15.04 however it seems that only few
people did it.
1. why people under linux do not use portable webserver  (e.g. on USB
drive) ?
2. how can i make apache 2.4.x portable, so to have all needed files
(apache, php, openssl, etc) on a USB drive and make it work as standard web
so in fact how to make apache looks after its configuration files and
librairies under its own directory where it will be stored ?

thanks a lot.
MySQL 5.6.x
Apache 2.4.7 / OpenSSL 1.0.1c
Tomcat 7.17
PHP 5.5

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