Any pointers are highly appreciated.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 7:05 PM, chetan jain <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a scenario where i have different instances of the same application
> deployed on different boxes and we call those instances as app1, app2.
> and the actual URL for both will be like this :
> http://host_name1:app1_port>/app/WebObject/app.woa   ....for app1
> http://host_name2:app2_port/app/WebObject/app.woa    .... for app2
> I have tried the configuration in apache like this :
> #For app-1
>    RewriteRule ^/app1$ /app1/ [R]
>    RewriteRule ^/app1/(.*) /app/WebObjects/app.woa/$1 [P]
>    ProxyPass /app/WebObjects/app.woa/ http://host_name1:app1_port
> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
>    ProxyPassReverse /app/WebObjects/app.woa/   http://host_name1:app1_port
> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
> # For app-2
>    RewriteRule ^/app2$ /app2/ [R]
>    RewriteRule ^/app2/(.*) /app/WebObjects/app.woa/$1 [P]
>    ProxyPass /app/WebObjects/app.woa/ http://host_name2:app2_port
> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
>    ProxyPassReverse /app/WebObjects/app.woa/   http://host_name2:app2_port
> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
> and I try to access the page like this :
> http://apache_host/app1    and http://apache_host/app2
> The first page comes up fine (and actually it is same for both the apps),
> However if i click on any other page, it ends up going to app1 only
> reason i think is, this part ( /app/WebObjects/app.woa ) of the URL is
> common for both and may be webserver gets confused whom to forward the
> request.
> can someone help to get around this problem?
> Regards,
> Chetan Jain

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