Thanks Tobias, the second option is not feasible, and this all has to be
part of the same domain.

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Tobias Adolph <> wrote:

> HI Chetan,
> you could place them in different virtual-Host-Container (which means
> different domains) or you could alter the url-part
> (/app/WebObjects/app.woa) to another string (like
> /app/webObjects/app1|2.woa) that is different for each backend.
> Regards,
> Tobias
> Am 29.12.2015 um 14:43 schrieb chetan jain:
> Thanks Tobias,
> The problem with that would be, I won't be able to ProxyPass with path in
> Location bock.
> --Chetan
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Tobias Adolph <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jain,
>> did you configure those in the same virtualhost-Block?
>> Am 18.12.2015 um 14:35 schrieb chetan jain:
>> #For app-1
>>    RewriteRule ^/app1$ /app1/ [R]
>>    RewriteRule ^/app1/(.*) /app/WebObjects/app.woa/$1 [P]
>>    ProxyPass /app/WebObjects/app.woa/ http://host_name1:app1_port
>> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
>>    ProxyPassReverse /app/WebObjects/app.woa/   http://host_name1:app1_port
>> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
>> # For app-2
>>    RewriteRule ^/app2$ /app2/ [R]
>>    RewriteRule ^/app2/(.*) /app/WebObjects/app.woa/$1 [P]
>>    ProxyPass /app/WebObjects/app.woa/ http://host_name2:app2_port
>> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
>>    ProxyPassReverse /app/WebObjects/app.woa/   http://host_name2:app2_port
>> /app/WebObjects/app.woa/
>> If this the case try to encapsulate the two blocks in separate
>> Location-Blocks (like <Location /app1/> etc..
>> Kind regards,
>> Tobias Adolph
>> --
>> ###############################
>> # Tobias Adolph               #              
>> # Leibniz-Rechenzentrum       #
>> # Zimmer I.2.019              #
>> # Boltzmannstraße 1           #      
>> # 85748 Garching bei München  #      
>> ###############################
> --
> ###############################
> # Tobias Adolph               #               
> # Leibniz-Rechenzentrum       #
> # Zimmer I.2.019              #
> # Boltzmannstraße 1           #       
> # 85748 Garching bei München  #       
> ###############################

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