On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 06:56:40PM +0000, Rose, John B wrote:
> For event ...
> <IfModule event.c>
>     StartServers            3
>     MinSpareThreads         20
>     MaxSpareThreads         25
>     ServerLimit             16
>     ThreadsPerChild         16
>     MaxRequestWorkers       256
>     MaxConnectionsPerChild   0
> </IfModule>

Those numbers don't make a great deal of sense. You have:

        MaxSpareThreads - MinSpareThreads < ThreadsPerChild

So your server can easily get into a flip-flopping state of creating and
reaping a process to satisfy these requirements.

I suggest you set MinSpareThreads and MaxSpareThreads as integral
multiples of ThreadsPerChild and keep them fairly widely spaced. Try

<IfModule event.c>
    StartServers            3
    MinSpareThreads         16
    MaxSpareThreads         48
    ServerLimit             16
    ThreadsPerChild         16
    MaxRequestWorkers       256
    MaxConnectionsPerChild   0

This should make things a bit more stable (and easier for the
administrator to envisage). That's for the general case of event/worker
and unrelated to whether or not you use php-fpm.

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