At 04:08 PM 9/26/2016 -0700, Milt Spain wrote:
When the DNS is pointed at the IP address of my new server that doesn’t happen. You get the index page but when the CGI TEST PAGE link is clicked you get an error –‘Systems cannot find the specified file’.

I am not a Win expert, but "file not found" is fairly explicit -- Apache can't find the file.

That might be in some part of the Apache config, but could very well be in more general, or user specific terms, envars (environment variables) that renew on reboot or may be able to be applied after a manual edit.

The question, that only you can answer, is why there is a missing path to the file that you expect Apache to find? The fact that a previous install finds the file might give you some clues if you "follow the trail."

Best -- Paul 

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