Oh!   Tawasol, I forgot.   If you're not already doing so, you should have
your server scanned for vulnerabilities.  There's free websites out there
that can do this, like https://scanmyserver.com/

I believe nmap can also help you scan your server, although I don't think
it was really designed for vulnerability scanning.   There's free for
personal use programs, like Nessus.   The free version of Nessus only works
on the local area network though.   However, websites like
https://scanmyserver.com use the paid version of Nessus.   So, you can have
your server scanned with Nessus by using something like scanmyserver.com.

If there's any exploits installed, the vulnerability scanner(s) should
detect them.   Just make sure to whitelist the IP address in LFD and CSF
before proceeding and double check the logs to make sure that CSF / LFD
doesn't block the scanning website.

On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 1:53 AM, Spork Schivago <sporkschiv...@gmail.com>

> Tawasol,
> You might want to look into more than just mod_security.  For example,
> there's modules out there for PHP, for instance, that will make PHP run as
> a certain user.   If someone manages to take advantage of some poorly
> written PHP code, for example, they would only have limited user access and
> only be able to access the files in the directory where the html files are
> being stored.
> I have crontab entries setup to scan for rootkits and do a bunch of other
> things.
> Another program you might want to look into is ClamAV.   It's freeware.
> Mod_security I like the best though.   It really does catch a lot of bad
> stuff.  It can be a bit confusing setting it up though.   Best of luck.
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 1:31 AM, Tawasol Go <tawaso...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I use CentOS 7.x also CSF/LFD installed.
>> Till now they did not get into the server.
>> I'll look into mod_security.
>> Thanks,
>> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 1:01 AM, Anthony Biacco <abia...@handll.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Spork Schivago <sporkschiv...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Are you sure they haven't successfully found away in?   There are some
>>>> free programs that I use to help prevent this stuff.   ConfigServer
>>>> Firewall / LFD is a good one.   Rkhunter and chkrootkit scan for rootkits.
>>>>   The big one that helps the most, I feel, is Mod Security.   That's the
>>>> one that monitors the traffic looking for known scanning software,
>>>> exploits, etc and blocks it.   I run in a *nix environment and don't have a
>>>> lot of experience with Windows servers though.   Not sure what you're
>>>> running.   I'm always really paranoid and would definitely be worried about
>>>> by system being compromised if I saw traffic like you're seeing though.
>>>> But again, I'm not really that intelligent when it comes to stuff like 
>>>> this.
>>>> Ken
>>> I was going to suggest mod_security as well. I'm not running it, but
>>> it's on my TODO list. I have to determine the performance implications, if
>>> any.
>>> -Tony
>>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Spork Schivago <sporkschiv...@gmail.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Tony!   Much appreciated.
>>>>> Erik,
>>>>> Did I ever try to run what on my server?   The string query that
>>>>> Berkeley sends looking for the malware to respond?   If so, no, I have
>>>>> never tried to send that carefully crafted packet to my Apache server.
>>>>> From the previous user who had what appears to be the same issue as 
>>>>> Mitchell
>>>>> though, I would imagine it'd probably just deliver my default web page
>>>>> (index.html).   That's my guess though.
>>>>> If anyone cares, I can copy the other e-mails they sent to me that
>>>>> explain how it all works and why the full string isn't in the Apache logs
>>>>> (I think that has something to do with the way Apache responds to the
>>>>> string).
>>>>> They're not actually trying to exploit the server, they're just trying
>>>>> to find servers that have been infected.   If the malware sees a special
>>>>> string, it responds with a special string.   At that point in time, the
>>>>> college contacts the local law enforcement for that area to inform them 
>>>>> and
>>>>> hope that they contact the owner of the server to inform them that they're
>>>>> infected.   Not the best way I guess to inform people, but better than
>>>>> nothing I guess.
>>>>> Here, in my city, I doubt the local law enforcement would ever contact
>>>>> me with anything computer related.   I contacted them before because of a
>>>>> crime that happened in my house but because the internet and a computer 
>>>>> was
>>>>> involved, they said they couldn't help and my best bet would be trying to
>>>>> contact the FBI or some other government organization.   I doubt anyone at
>>>>> my police station really knows much about PCs.   There doesn't seem to be 
>>>>> a
>>>>> cyber crimes division or anything like that.
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Anthony Biacco <abia...@handll.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 8:47 AM, Spork Schivago <
>>>>>> sporkschiv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> There's away to do a reverse IP lookup on the IP address and see if
>>>>>>> there's a DNS entry for it.   That's how I was able to successfully 
>>>>>>> figure
>>>>>>> out who the senders were (Berkeley) originally.   I used dig I believe. 
>>>>>>>   I
>>>>>>> don't have access to my Linux box right now, otherwise I'd check to see 
>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>> the IP addresses are actually from Berkeley.   There's always a chance 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> they're using more than one server / IP now to conduct the scanning.   I
>>>>>>> believe they were originally trying to scan the whole internet.
>>>>>> based on the IP of given by Mitchell:
>>>>>> 9787 IN      PTR
>>>>>> researchscan1.EECS.Berkeley.EDU.
>>>>>> University of California - Office of the President UCSD-NET-169-228
>>>>>> (NET-169-229-0-0-1) -
>>>>>> University of California at Berkeley ISTDATA (NET-169-229-0-0-2)
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -Tony
>>>>>> They had said it's a very specific type of malware that only affects
>>>>>>> IIS to their knowledge.   If you're not running a Windows server running
>>>>>>> IIS, you should be good to go.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 8:27 AM, Rainer Canavan <
>>>>>>> rainer.cana...@sevenval.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Joe Muller <jmul...@arccorp.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > From the looks of it I would say it is targeting servers running
>>>>>>>> SSL.  Are
>>>>>>>> > you serving up HTTP or HTTPS ?
>>>>>>>> I don't think that that is valid SSL, unless your httpd discards the
>>>>>>>> first few bytes.
>>>>>>>> There was a SANS handler diary entry just yesterday about this:
>>>>>>>> https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/SSL+Requests+to+nonSSL+HTT
>>>>>>>> P+Servers/21551/
>>>>>>>> if I try `openssl s_client -connect localhost:14020`, I get the
>>>>>>>> below
>>>>>>>> entry in my access.log,
>>>>>>>> which matches the description in the diary:
>>>>>>>> localhost:14020 - - [06/Oct/2016:14:24:53 +0200] -
>>>>>>>> "\x16\x03\x01\x01,\x01" 400 226 "-" "-"
>>>>>>>> this, however, is something completely different. I'd also guess
>>>>>>>> it's some kind
>>>>>>>> of vulnerability scan:
>>>>>>>> > IP
>>>>>>>> > - - [02/Oct/2016:11:29:08 +0300]
>>>>>>>> > "n\x1d\xb6\x18\x9ad\xec[\x1d\b\xe6k\xbb\xe5L" 200 48605
>>>>>>>> > - - [02/Oct/2016:16:04:20 +0300]
>>>>>>>> > "\x95\xa3\xb1\xce\xc8\xeb:\x86\x87\xb4\x03g\xfa~\x9f{\x07\xd
>>>>>>>> a\xef6O\xa1~\x91[\xf2\x05E\xac\xad\x8d\x9d\xbe\xf5\xfc\xc5\"
>>>>>>>> \xed\xa3u"
>>>>>>>> > 200 48605
>>>>>>>> Rainer
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