You should probably ask this on a Codeigniter help list or forum. This does
not appear to be an issue with Apache HTTPD.

- Y

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Paul Claridge <>

> Hi Team, I have been battling this for several weeks now and am completely
> stumped, so I am hoping for some inspiration!
> We are using standard ubuntu 14.02 lamp stack, but reverted back to php5.
> We use backlevel Codeigniter framework (v2).
> My latest task is to integrate Paypal Express checkout into our website.
> After much research I have managed to code up units for a) getting a token,
> b) creating a payment c) completing a payment (using server side
> integration). I have pasted the recommended button code into one of our
> views.
> I can successfully test each step from the command line. However, when I
> create a simple controller and integrate my code into an extended
> CI_Controller class nothing works. I also employ CI routing. I cannot even
> get any error_log logging from my scripts.
> When I look at the Firefox debugging/console I see loads of stuff from
> Paypal objects and in particular some reference to an HSTS header not being
> parsed.
> Sooooo, the reason for this post is to sanity check what I am doing and to
> see if anyone can see an obvous mistake in my approach. I admit to be
> wallowing around in all this detail somewhat, but perhaps I have uncovered
> a strange problem in Paypal world, although I tend to think that is
> unlikely!
> The slight irony is we are only integrating (deliberately) the simplest PP
> interface and I'm in a world of hurt, so any kind advice or direction would
> be appreciated.
> Thanks, Paul
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