On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 04:27:38PM +0000, Osman Zakir wrote:
> This is what I have in the conf file at the bottom:
> "
> <Directory 
> "E:/programming/visual_studio_2017/Projects/currency_converter/x64/Release">
>     Options All???
>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks???
>     AllowOverride None???
>     Require all granted???
> </Directory>???
> ???
> <VirtualHost *:8000>???

YOUR BOX is listening on port 8000

>     ServerAdmin osmanzaki...@hotmail.com???
>     ServerName dragonosman.dynu.net???
> ServerAlias www.dragonosman.dynu.net???
>     ErrorLog "logs/dragonosman.dynu.net-error.log"???
>     CustomLog "logs/dragonosman.dynu.net-access.log" common???
> ProxyPass "/" "";???
> ProxyPass "/?q=accesskey" "";???
> </VirtualHost>???
> "
> And I added a forwarding rule for port 8000 for the router.  But I still 
> can't see the app at my public IP address on port 8000.

Your box doesn't LIVE on your router.  Is your box where the webserver lives 
assigned the
public IP address?

what is ifconfig on the webserver box?

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