
I’m trying to make Jitsi Meet work.  Initially it worked, but since the
while it didn’t.  So I’m investigating everything that could be going

Here the VirtualHost Jitsi installation automatically created, with
further additions by me (GnuTLS support, better rewritting supporting
other alphabets):

I was asked « apachectl -S » output on #httpd:

So because HSTS, if you try http://meet.galex-713.eu:5280/http-bind it
might not work, in which case try

You can also try with curl: normally it should say “it works” and a link
to prosody documentation.

And that’s what should also be displayed by
https://meet.galex-713.eu/http-bind but it stalls forever, any idea
how’s this?

Whenever I connect to this, all apache logs stay silent, why?

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