The configuration you sent doesn't show your server running on port
5280/5281, so we can't compare the configuration and see what might be
My number one suspect would be your firewall.

- Y

On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 7:40 PM Alexandre Garreau <>

> Hi,
> I’m trying to make Jitsi Meet work. Initially it worked, but since the
> while it didn’t. So I’m investigating everything that could be going wrong.
> Here the VirtualHost Jitsi installation automatically created, with
> further additions by me (GnuTLS support, better rewritting supporting other
> alphabets):
> I was asked « apachectl -S » output on #httpd:
> So because HSTS, if you try it
> might not work, in which case try
> You can also try with curl: normally it should say “it works” and a link
> to prosody documentation.
> And that’s what should also be displayed by
> but it stalls forever, any idea how’s
> this?
> Whenever I connect to this, all apache logs stay silent, why?

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