Doesn't 2.4.x use "Require" instead of the "Order allow, deny Allow from

As I understand it, 2.4.x should have "Require all granted" in place of
those last two lines in your config.


On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 1:11 PM Jeff Cauhape <> wrote:

> Yes, the index options are the same.
> This system (Apache 2.2.3) shows the filenames and size and mod date. (On
> Red Hat 5.11)
> Alias /oracle "/u01/app/oracle"
> <Directory "/u01/app/oracle">
>         AuthType Basic
>         AuthName "Oracle"
>         AuthBasicProvider file
>         AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/auth/detr
>         Require valid-user
> *        Options +Indexes*
>         AllowOverride All Options
>         Order allow,deny
>         Allow from all
> </Directory>
> This system (2.4.29) shows only the file name. (On Solaris 11.3)
> Alias /oracle "/export/home/logs"
> <Directory "/export/home/logs">
>         AuthType  Basic
>         AuthName  "Oracle Logs"
>         AuthBasicProvider file
>         AuthUserFile /usr/apache2/2.4/auth/cap
>         Require valid-user
> *        Options +Indexes*
>         AllowOverride  All Options
>         Order allow,deny
>         Allow from  all
> </Directory>
> *Jeffrey Cauhape – IT Professional III – Linux and Solaris Administrator*
> Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
> (775) 684-3804 (office)
> *From:* Christophe JAILLET []
> *Sent:* Friday, May 3, 2019 12:57 PM
> *To:*; Jeff Cauhape <>
> *Subject:* [users@httpd] Re: Simple file listing issue in browser, 2.2 vs
> 2.4
> Le 03/05/2019 à 21:26, Jeff Cauhape a écrit :
> Folks,
> This is probably a simple issue, but so far I haven’t found anything in the
> doc that addresses this directly.
> A user has pointed out that a listing of a directory on one system running
> Apache 2.2.3 shows files with their details – mod time, file size, etc.,
> while
> a nearly identical set up (pathnames differ) on a system running Apache
> 2.4.29
> shows only the file names with no other details.
> The files ownership and permissions are the same.
> Files are accessible in both cases.
> Configuration info in the httpd.conf files are identical. “Options
> +Indexes”, etc.
> How do I get 2.4.29 to display the other file attributes besides the name?
> *Jeffrey Cauhape – IT Professional III – Linux and Solaris Administrator*
> Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
> (775) 684-3804 (office)
> Hi,
> have you checked if the IndexOptions directive is the same in both
> configuration?
> CJ

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