You're referring to DNS resolution, which occurs before httpd is involved.

As far as httpd is concerned, the requested host: header must match the
common name or SAM of the certificate.

The host: header is also used for name-based vhost resolution.

On 06/09/20 07:22 AM, Jason Long wrote:
> Thank you for your help.
> Is the content of "/etc/hosts" and "/etc/hostname" files important for get 
> HTTPS certificate? For example, if I want to get a certificate for 
> "".
> On Sunday, September 6, 2020, 01:45:08 AM GMT+4:30, James Smith 
> <> wrote: 
> The first one doesn’t matter – but to be honest you shouldn’t do it – you 
> should create two configurations – one for the www.domain and one for domain. 
> Choose one as canonical (the one you really want users to see) and put the 
> real configuration here.
> Under the other domain – you include a rewrite rule to redirect to the 
> canonical one…
> <VirtualHost *:443>
>   ServerName
>   ServerAlias
>   ServerAlias   www.
>   Include       conf/ssl-conf/
>   RewriteEngine on
>   RewriteRule   (.*) $1 [R,L,NE]
> </VirtualHost>
> Now which use as the canonical domain is up to you….There are arguments for 
> both – there is trend to remove the WWW, but if you have multiple domains on 
> the same server (we have around 120 at work for a front end proxy) – you can 
> set the,, to be CNAMEs in 
> DNS so if you have to quickly move to another IP address you can just update 
> the A record for the hostname the CNAMEs point to (for example if the primary 
> machine fell over and you couldn’t get it back up and running)… If you use 
> the unqualified domain, etc you would have to change 
> each A record separately. Now - there are three real reasons for using 
> ServerAlias in my mind:
>     * Having a common code base across a different number of sites – which 
> uses the URL of the request to determine a configuration – and consequently 
> run different versions of the site….
>     * You have multiple aliases for a domain so you can use ServerAlias to 
> redirect them to the canonical domain (see above)
>     * You have live, staging, dev and sandbox servers as part of the 
> production cycle, so you set the ServerName to the URL of the live server and 
> the staging/dev/sandbox URLs as ServerAlias – then you can use the same 
> configuration on each of the servers {with a little bit of environment 
> variable fudging to set root paths for the apache}
> <VirtualHost *:443>
>   ServerName
>   ServerAlias
>   ServerAlias
>   ServerAlias
>   ServerAlias
>   Include       conf/ssl-conf/
>   … configuration …
> </VirtualHost>
> From: Jason Long <> Sent: 03 September 2020 
> 22:43To: users@httpd.apache.orgSubject: [users@httpd] Some questions about 
> configuration Apache from a beginer. [EXT]
> Hello,
> I have some questions about Apache configuration and I'm thankful if anyone 
> help me.
> 1- In Apache configuration, both of "ServerName" and "ServerAlias" must be 
> defined? Which one must have "www" prefix? 
> 2- If "/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key" and 
> "/etc/ssl/certs/localhost.crt" files deleted then how can I regenerate them? 
> Is below command OK?
> # openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 
> /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/localhost.crt
> The "localhost" is the name of my host? If my hostname is "example-test" then 
> these files name must be "example-test.key" and "example-test.crt" ?
> 3- By default, Linux use "localhost.localdomain" if I installed Apache and my 
> web site is up too then can I change "localhost.localdomain" ?
> 4- For a web site with the name "" and "" IP 
> address, what is the content of "/etc/hostname" and "/etc/hosts" files?
> It is a great help if anyone answer my questions by number.
> Thank you.
> -- The Wellcome Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research Limited, a 
> charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a company registered in 
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