No neither of these are need for the SSL certificate - in fact often the 
externally facing hostnames on a server will usually be in the /etc/hostname, 
this will be the name that you having given to the box {this allows you to move 
the "public" domain to a different box}.. e.g. you may call it 
web-server-01.mydomain. Keep it something like this for simplicity.

So e.g. my /etc/hostname just contains "web-server-01",

My /etc/hosts contains:       localhost       web-server-01.mydomain     web-server-01
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

For SSL, you need to make sure the public facing URL you are using is in the 
certificate (either as name od SAN) then you are OK to use it on the server.

 -----Original Message-----
From: Jason Long <> 
Sent: 06 September 2020 12:22
To:; James Smith <>
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Some questions about configuration Apache from a 
beginer. [EXT]

Thank you for your help.
Is the content of "/etc/hosts" and "/etc/hostname" files important for get 
HTTPS certificate? For example, if I want to get a certificate for 

On Sunday, September 6, 2020, 01:45:08 AM GMT+4:30, James Smith 
<> wrote: 

The first one doesn’t matter – but to be honest you shouldn’t do it – you 
should create two configurations – one for the www.domain and one for domain. 
Choose one as canonical (the one you really want users to see) and put the real 
configuration here.

Under the other domain – you include a rewrite rule to redirect to the 
canonical one…

<VirtualHost *:443>



  ServerAlias   www.

  Include       conf/ssl-conf/

  RewriteEngine on

  RewriteRule   (.*)
  $1 [R,L,NE]


Now which use as the canonical domain is up to you….There are arguments for 
both – there is trend to remove the WWW, but if you have multiple domains on 
the same server (we have around 120 at work for a front end proxy) – you can 
set the
  to be CNAMEs in DNS so if you have to quickly move to another IP address you 
can just update the A record for the hostname the CNAMEs point to (for example 
if the primary machine fell over and you couldn’t get it back up and running)… 
If you use the unqualified domain, etc you would have 
to change each A record separately. Now - there are three real reasons for 
using ServerAlias in my mind:

    * Having a common code base across a different number of sites – which uses 
the URL of the request to determine a configuration – and consequently run 
different versions of the site….
    * You have multiple aliases for a domain so you can use ServerAlias to 
redirect them to the canonical domain (see above)
    * You have live, staging, dev and sandbox servers as part of the production 
cycle, so you set the ServerName to the URL of the live server and the 
staging/dev/sandbox URLs as ServerAlias – then you can use the same 
configuration on each of the servers {with a little bit of environment variable 
fudging to set root paths for the apache}


<VirtualHost *:443>






  Include       conf/ssl-conf/

  … configuration …

From: Jason Long <> Sent: 03 September 2020 22:43To: 
users@httpd.apache.orgSubject: [users@httpd] Some questions about configuration 
Apache from a beginer. [EXT]



I have some questions about Apache configuration and I'm thankful if anyone 
help me.


1- In Apache configuration, both of "ServerName" and "ServerAlias" must be 
defined? Which one must have "www" prefix? 


2- If "/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key" and 

"/etc/ssl/certs/localhost.crt" files deleted then how can I regenerate them? Is 
below command OK?


# openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 
/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/localhost.crt


The "localhost" is the name of my host? If my hostname is "example-test" then 
these files name must be "example-test.key" and "example-test.crt" ?


3- By default, Linux use "localhost.localdomain" if I installed Apache and my 
web site is up too then can I change "localhost.localdomain" ?


4- For a web site with the name "" and "" IP 
address, what is the content of "/etc/hostname" and "/etc/hosts" files?


It is a great help if anyone answer my questions by number.


Thank you.


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 The Wellcome Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research 
 Limited, a charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a 
 company registered in England with number 2742969, whose registered 
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