You're an idiot.

Nick age 50

On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 2:28 PM <> wrote:

> I have completed my school project.
> I showed it to my Daddy.
> I showed him how easy it is to setup a website if you have Ubuntu and even
> better with Ubuntu-mate.
> ALT + CTL + T
> type  couple of commands and everything is done for you including security.
> He said if I show the effort I put in to the teacher in the accompanying
> project documentation ,
> the teacher will marked me down for choosing a project makes which
> required little effort. It was too easy! for your age group.
> I asked what should do I then Daddy ?
> He said  tell the teacher  you followed the documentation provided here by
> the to do your assignment.
> When the teacher makes an assessment of the work required to setup a
> website  using the Apache documents  you will get an A grade for sure !
> He also said do keep in mind  these web servers is admin work like DBAs
> and operating system admins.
> When you grown up make sure you aim for something substantial like Application
> Developer.
> That is real professional work.
> This admin work we call secretarial work. It is not even technician level.
> My Daddy, who is a barrister  said he will see about the " socket puppy "
> remarks
> and he will take up the matter with the ICO   watchdog for breach of
> privacy.
> This apache foundation had their warning.
> Best Regards
> Emily age 14

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