That's very true, but I still had a good laugh reading that idiocy. I'll
give her an A grade for that.

BTW, watch your language, or her father will sue you!

On 18.05.21 20:42, Nick Folino wrote:
You're an idiot.

Nick age 50

On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 2:28 PM <> wrote:

    I have completed my school project.
    I showed it to my Daddy.

    I showed him how easy it is to setup a website if you have Ubuntu
    and even better with Ubuntu-mate.
    ALT + CTL + T
    type  couple of commands and everything is done for you including

    He said if I show the effort I put in to the teacher in the
    accompanying project documentation ,
    the teacher will marked me down for choosing a project makes which
    required little effort. It was too easy! for your age group.

    I asked what should do I then Daddy ?
    He said  tell the teacher  you followed the documentation provided
    here by the
    <> to do your assignment.

    When the teacher makes an assessment of the work required to setup
    a website  using the Apache documents  you will get an A grade for
    sure !

    He also said do keep in mind  these web servers is admin work like
    DBAs and operating system admins.

    When you grown up make sure you aim for something substantial like
    Application Developer.
    That is real professional work.
    This admin work we call secretarial work. It is not even
    technician level.

    My Daddy, who is a barrister  said he will see about the " socket
    puppy "  remarks
    and he will take up the matter with the ICO   watchdog for breach
    of privacy.
    This apache foundation had their warning.

    Best Regards
    Emily age 14

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