> I don't know what you are trying to prove by your points + you are
> insulting people for no reason.

I am insulting no one, mostly stating what is common.

> If you insult people, they may insult you back.
> Russia attacked Ukraine and Ukraine/NATO hit Russia back.

I think you are the only one on this planet that would dare to summarize this 
conflict like this. But it proves my point, stick just to what you know, with 

> The original discussion was about openssl commands and I think that since
> you don't know openssl commands, you should not have said anything.

You wrote it was for a local development environment. I just thought why bother 
with the openssl? Obviously I should not have made assumptions. You could also 
be cryptographer working on mod_ssl.

> Let other people do what they want to do. If they want to hardcode
> something, why are you bothered.

I am just pointing out there multiple roads that lead to Rome. Some of which 
are known to be less troublesome than others. If you get stuck on some dirt 
track to Rome, others will be required to come and help.

> I will hard code https, its my choice. It has nothing to do with you.

Obviously, I am just stating it is not really what most experienced 
professionals do. 

> Now, you are saying to hard code root name servers, etc. which doesn't
> make sense.

Because you do not know about it. That is the point I am trying to make. Just 
separate it from application development.

> You are taking this discussion in all sorts of directions and I don't
> know what you want to prove.

Really? I thought I made my point numerous times.

> If people are asking for advice on PHP then advise them on PHP or don't say 
> anything.
> Don't start advising them about Java.

Please... I am not even making remarks about you asking openssl questions at 

> By the way, if you insult me, I will insult you back.

I think most people will understand that I try to make you see the difference 
between developing an application and how it is hosted/used what ever, operate 
within your area of expertise. 

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