> But should your development be not protocol independent? If your code
> works on http it should also work on https. I am getting sick of these
> wordpress idiots where they still have hardcoded links everywhere and I
> can't even convert a website from http to https.
TLS is not in the application layer as HTTP is, so it’s just a complication
that has to be managed in development. I don’t know how Wordpress works,
but there are solutions beyond its configuration.

For example, if you just need to verify your HTTP-based application
functions as desired, but there is commingling of HTTPS and HTTP in
application HREFs then use the `if` directive with a development-only
environment variable in your virtual hosts. If the client follows a HTTPS
link that isn’t going to work for keying material reasons, have the 443
virtual host redirect to 80 if the development variable in the development

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