Really nice!

Another time-saving feature of Isis, like the auto-generated UI, persistence 
support, BDD and unit tests integration,etc.

Our time can be spent thinking, implementing and testing the domain model at 
least a 80%, without loosing it with dev or deployment infrastructure ops! 

> El 18/01/2014, a las 17:46, Dan Haywood <> 
> escribió:
> Been doing some further experiments on JRebel, so as a quick update, I
> *think* it's doable, but requires a small enhancement to DataNucleus.
> For further reading, see [1] and [2]
> [1]
> [2]
>> On 10 January 2014 17:46, GESCONSULTOR <> wrote:
>> Many Thanks for moving forward this, Dan.
>> It can really boost our productivity.
>> For what I've read JRebel is the best way. It was just an alternative
>> found.
>>>> El 10/01/2014, a las 17:54, Dan Haywood <>
>>> escribió:
>>> On 27 December 2013 23:12, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> Hi to all.
>>>> Dan, some days ago you commented the possibility to accelerate the
>>>> workflow by integrating with JRebel.
>>>> Just to mention, seems on the Ninja Framework they have achieved
>> something
>>>> similar as detailed in [1].
>>>> This functionality is introduced at [2], where it references an article
>> in
>>>> [3].
>>>> Perhaps it's a different approach to accelerate the Isis workflow.
>>> Thanks for this, Oscar.
>>> However, in  [1], they say:
>>> *You start Ninja’s SuperDevMode in a console. Then you edit a Java file
>> in
>>> your IDE and save it. Your IDE will then compile your Java file to a
>> class
>>> file. Ninja’s SuperDevMode recognizes that and restarts Ninja within a
>>> second. You can then switch to your browser and verify that your changes
>>> work at http://localhost:8080 <http://localhost:8080/> . *
>>> So I don't think this will work, because Isis takes rather longer than a
>>> second to build up its metamodel.
>>> I'm pretty certain that JRebel is the right way to go ... I spoke to one
>> of
>>> their evangelists at a conference in November, so reckon it'll work.  We
>>> can invalidate Isis' metamodel ok (the
>>> DeveloperUtilitiesServiceDefault#refreshLayout() method), the only real
>>> unknown is how to invalidate the DN metamodel similarly.
>>> Let me go ask Andy Jefferson about that...
>>> Dan
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Oscar
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]

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