Thanks a lot, Dan!

It's going to be of great help. Let's license and try it.

El 22/01/2014, a las 23:42, Dan Haywood <> escribió:

OK, then.

You'll need to use build from source for the moment.

My limited testing shows that it works for the "simple" app, but I've not
tried it out on anything bigger like Estatio.

But try it out (and I'll put a screencast together for this, since I
suspect it might be popular...)

On 18 January 2014 18:55, GESCONSULTOR <> wrote:

Really nice!

Another time-saving feature of Isis, like the auto-generated UI,
persistence support, BDD and unit tests integration,etc.

Our time can be spent thinking, implementing and testing the domain model
at least a 80%, without loosing it with dev or deployment infrastructure

El 18/01/2014, a las 17:46, Dan Haywood <>

Been doing some further experiments on JRebel, so as a quick update, I
*think* it's doable, but requires a small enhancement to DataNucleus.

For further reading, see [1] and [2]


On 10 January 2014 17:46, GESCONSULTOR <> wrote:

Many Thanks for moving forward this, Dan.

It can really boost our productivity.

For what I've read JRebel is the best way. It was just an alternative

El 10/01/2014, a las 17:54, Dan Haywood <


On 27 December 2013 23:12, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou

Hi to all.

Dan, some days ago you commented the possibility to accelerate the
workflow by integrating with JRebel.

Just to mention, seems on the Ninja Framework they have achieved
similar as detailed in [1].

This functionality is introduced at [2], where it references an

Perhaps it's a different approach to accelerate the Isis workflow.
Thanks for this, Oscar.

However, in  [1], they say:

*You start Ninja’s SuperDevMode in a console. Then you edit a Java file
your IDE and save it. Your IDE will then compile your Java file to a
file. Ninja’s SuperDevMode recognizes that and restarts Ninja within a
second. You can then switch to your browser and verify that your
work at http://localhost:8080 <http://localhost:8080/> . *

So I don't think this will work, because Isis takes rather longer than
second to build up its metamodel.

I'm pretty certain that JRebel is the right way to go ... I spoke to
their evangelists at a conference in November, so reckon it'll work.
can invalidate Isis' metamodel ok (the
DeveloperUtilitiesServiceDefault#refreshLayout() method), the only real
unknown is how to invalidate the DN metamodel similarly.

Let me go ask Andy Jefferson about that...







Óscar Bou Bou
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