But if the annotations are part of the "Isis model", shouldn't be a default 
implementation included on the free Viewer?

Independently, the implementation could be replaceable / pluggeable with a 
custom one, just as any other components.

But at least one should be included by default. 

I also think that it adds quite points to the quickstart demo, as it's an 
alternative design to usual Isis UI. 
But that's completely subjective, of course :-))



El 13/06/2014, a las 13:27, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> 

> Further improvements committed, tickets ISIS-781 and ISIS-800 marked as
> resolved
> Discussing off-line with Jeroen, do have some further refactorings planned,
> however.  Specifically:
> ... currently support for IWizard is "hard-coded" into the Wicket viewer;
> it ought to be a pluggable component (such as the map and calendar
> components).  So will probably move it out and into a separate github repo.
> One consequence of that is that the quickstart todo app can't demonstrate
> the usage.  So I'll need to move that into a github repo as a separate demo.
> One upside is that this ought to then plug into 1.5.0, rather than relying
> on a new release of Isis.  Also, it'll be a good resource for how to write
> custom components to the Wicket viewer.
> But the basic functionality will be as currently implemented.
> More to follow....
> Dan
> On 12 June 2014 20:34, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> wrote:
>> OK, I've done a first-pass implementation of both:
>> * ISIS-781: editable view models, and
>> * ISIS-800: wizards
>> for the first, the view model must implement ViewModel.Cloneable.  The way
>> it works is that the view model is immutable so far as the rest of the
>> framework is concerned, but (by implementing the Cloneable interface) when
>> the view model is next re-rendered it is actually the clone.
>> for the second, the view model must implement Wizard.  This is actually a
>> sub-interface of ViewModel.Cloneable that defines next, previous and finish
>> methods.
>> The todo/quickstart app has been updated to use this feature; see
>> ToDoItemWizard.  See also the cool use of contributed actions through the
>> "Categorized" interface that contributes both to ToDoItemWizard and also
>> the ToDoItem entity.
>> ~~~
>> The design as it stands does mean there's a little bit of boilerplate to
>> implement these various methods, but what we now have is probably good
>> enough to ship in the next release.
>> Any feedback welcome
>> Dan
>> On 10 June 2014 13:16, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> wrote:
>>> On 10 June 2014 13:09, Erik de Hair <e...@pocos.nl> wrote:
>>>> The action (on a domain object) has the following code:
>>>> CreateSubscriptionViewModel viewModel = new
>>>> CreateSubscriptionViewModel(); // or getContainer.newViewModelInstance....
>>>> viewModel.viewModelInit(newSubscription.title());
>>>> viewModel.setSubscription(newSubscripiton); // newSubscription is a
>>>> newTransientObject created earlier
>>>> return viewModel;
>>>> I put the newSubscription in the viewmodel because I need this
>>>> subscription in a later step to add some more data to it. But getting the
>>>> subscription (or a property) for the ViewModel rendering gives a null
>>>> pointer exception.
>>> A stack trace would be useful.
>>> But just to check: you have configured the MementoServiceDefault and the
>>> BookmarkServiceDefault ?
>>>> I looked at the ToDoItem examples and Dileepa's code. I can see no
>>>> conceptual difference except that ToDoItem uses persisted entities and
>>>> Dileepa only sets the memento and does not pass more 'complex' objects in
>>>> the ViewModel. Do the objects have to be serializable or do I miss
>>>> something else?
>>> This is probably the issue.  Making the object serializable might solve
>>> things, but it's rather unpalatable.
>>> Rather than creating a transient object, instead have the wizard store
>>> the state (ie the builder pattern), and only create (and persist) the
>>> object when done.
>>> ~~~
>>> Isis does, in fact, have the ability to create serializable mementos even
>>> from non-serializable transient objects (a left over from the days when
>>> Isis' architecture was client/server); but this isn't currently exposed in
>>> a user-friendly applib service.
>>> We could look to doing so if the above approach is unpalatable, eg as an
>>> extension of MementoService.
>>> Dan
>>>> Any idea?
>>>> On 06/10/2014 12:07 PM, Dan Haywood wrote:
>>>> On 10 June 2014 10:52, Erik de Hair <e...@pocos.nl><mailto:e...@pocos.nl>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>> That's not the answer I hoped for ;-)
>>>> sorry bout that!
>>>> It looks like the ViewModels only work with persisted entities. Is that
>>>> correct?
>>>> Not exactly.  A view model can hold references to any data; that's what
>>>> the
>>>> MementoService is for.
>>>> Our Google Summer of Coder (Dileepa) has written a view model that wraps
>>>> some JSON representing a gmail obtained via a web service, for example.
>>>> Fundamentally a view model just has the ability to marshall itself
>>>> to/from
>>>> a string.  We use that string as its OID, which appears in the URL.  When
>>>> we next interact with the view model, Isis recreates the view model from
>>>> that OID.  What the view model does with its string is up to it.
>>>> What I try to accomplish right now (as a work around) is to return a
>>>> ViewModel from an action with the posted data from the action put into
>>>> that
>>>> viewmodel and than call some actions on that viewmodel. If it is possible
>>>> to return a fresh viewmodel every time I return from an action, it looks
>>>> a
>>>> bit like a wizard. At least I can build some data model in memory and
>>>> persist this model when ready. Should that be possible?
>>>> Yup, that's the best we can offer for now.
>>>> I will elaborate my wishes in the ticket you raised.
>>>> Wat is the use of a @NotPersistable-entity like described in [1]?
>>>> It was a way of saying that an object can never be persisted, ie a domain
>>>> constraint.  But when using JDO objectstore it is somewhat redundant (or
>>>> at
>>>> least not fully implemented), because we delegate the responsibility for
>>>> doing persistence to JDO/DN.
>>>> When Isis 2.0 comes along, some of these older annotations might end up
>>>> being deprecated/removed.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Dan
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Erik
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://isis.apache.org/more-advanced-topics/how-to-07-040-How-to-specify-that-an-object-should-not-be-persisted.html
>>>> On 06/09/2014 07:59 AM, Dan Haywood wrote:
>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>> Short answer is that we don't really (properly) support this.  And we
>>>> should.
>>>> I agree that @NotPersistable is confusing and its not clear what to use;
>>>> the right solution would be to implement a view model (currently:
>>>> implement
>>>> the ViewModel interface), and then - optionally - write a custom
>>>> ComponentFactory for the Wicket viewer to render the wizard
>>>> appropriately.
>>>> But the snag even with the above is that (currently) view models are
>>>> immutable; they support actions but their properties cannot be edited.
>>>> I can see the way forward on this; I don't think it's difficult, but it
>>>> will require a change in core and probably the wicket viewer also.
>>>> If you want then raise a ticket for this requirement, and sketch how
>>>> you'd
>>>> like it to work.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Dan
>>>> On 6 June 2014 17:40, Erik de Hair <e...@pocos.nl><mailto:e...@pocos.nl
>>>>> <mailto:e...@pocos.nl><mailto:e...@pocos.nl>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, I've found the @NotPersistable annotation but don't know how to use
>>>> this. I get an error message saying the object is not persistent.
>>>> Extended
>>>> my entity from AbstractDomainObject later, but that doesn't help.
>>>> Erik
>>>> On 06/06/2014 04:07 PM, Erik de Hair wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Is it in some way possible to create a wizard like form or open an action
>>>> with an action? I tried to return a not yet persisted object from an
>>>> action
>>>> and hoped I could edit some properties and add some elements to
>>>> collections
>>>> of the object before persisting it to the database...
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Erik

Óscar Bou Bou
Responsable de Producto
Auditor Jefe de Certificación ISO 27001 en BSI

   902 900 231 / 620 267 520



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