Hi Cesar,
I think you are saying you currently have :

Business - ------> 1..* BusinessLocation
Where one way navigation.
Whereas in the first use case you want two way navigation so it looks like this:
Business 1 <--------> 1..* BusinessLocation
So if you have a BusinessLocation "in focus" then it is associated to single 
Business. This two way navigation between objects has always been an "expensive 
thing" to build - hence it is normally avoided unless the tradeoff suggests it 
should be done - but maybe ISIS makes this easier.
But it sounds like you want a view which consolidates the information from one 
graph instance of the above into a single "form". So I believe the correct 
answer is yes: that is what the View Model is for. In terms of update behaviour 
- you need to add the operation on the View Model that explicitly sets the 
values on the domain object graph and persists them - I would suggest a single 
operation on Business for that purpose because Business should know about it's 
BusinessLocations - you pass the user values in including the 
BusinessLocation.id because Business has to know which BusinessLocation to 
Put all your View models in a separate package - they are not part of the 
domain. Make sure all the domain behaviour belongs to the domain objects and 
doesn't leak out into View objects. Never reference a View Model from the 
Domain Model the dependency should be View --> Domain and never the other way 
around. Domain is stable, View is volatile. Just create as many View Models as 
you need for the UI - after all that is what they are for. In fact your 
application may not need to expose any domain objects as naked objects - but 
then again, there may some user experience downside to that (e.g. having to 
explicit operation for update). 
Folk - correct me if I am wrong - I need to catch up with where ISIS is 
currently at and so having folk correct me is very welcome for my education.


     On Friday, 6 November 2015 4:16 AM, Cesar Lugo <cesar.l...@sisorg.com.mx> 

 Hello. I have the need to create some objects that are compound from some
other domain objects (similar to a "view" in a relational database,
updatable views). Let's say I have Business with businessId and name
properties, 1:n to another entity named BusinessLocation with properties
businessLocationId and name and address properties (to keep things simple
for now). So, for example, I need to create a new object that is
BuisinessLocationView, which contains BuinessLocation.id,
BusinessLocation.name, Business.id and Buiness.name . Then, in some cases, I
want to use such views like BusinessLocationView as a collection within
Business, and as a standalone collection, and also have the ability to
update its fields so the corresponding entities are updated with the changes
(Business and BusinessLocation), and in some cases even add a new view like
BusinessLocationView so it adds a new BusinessLocation.


Is there a way to do this? Is that what @ViewModel is for?


I would appreciate If you could point me to any sample that might help.





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