Hah! I hadn’t configured a dataset. Now rectified by setting the config.ttl to 
be one of the templates provided
as part of the build.

Curiously though, although I can see this when I run a browser locally on the 
server, and set the url to "localhost:3030",
I don't see any datasets listed when I explicitly specify the ip address, nor 
when I try to access it from any other box.

I realise that I’ve gone *waaaay* off topic now, so unless the answer is 
obvious, don't feel the need to address this new
issue. I’ll try searching in the fuseki knowledge base. Oh and btw: I don’t 
have any firewall set up, afaik (although
if I did, I’d expect this to block the entire fuseki site, rather than just the 
dataset listings.

Sheeesh, this is tiring :-/

Andy D


On 18 Aug 2015, at 12:11, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

The dataset (not the graph)  needs to exist before the operation is attempted.  
e.g. via the UI, or via startup with "--update /ds" for a name of "ds".


/myDatasetName --  dataset name - must exist
/myDatasetName/data -- service endpoint for GSP on that dataset (thats' the 
default name

and update must enabled.  How are you running the server?


On 18/08/15 11:49, Andy Doddington wrote:
> You’ll think me very dense, but how do I specify the dataset name? When I 
> specify the dummy URL that
> you suggest (I don’t care what the dataset is called at the moment) I get:
>       Exception in thread "main" org.apache.jena.atlas.web.HttpException: 404 
> - Not Found
> I feel I’m missing some trivial step here, but don’t know what it is :-(
> Andy D
> ——————————————
> On 18 Aug 2015, at 09:36, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> Wrong URL: It will be something like
>   http://foobar:3030/myDatasetName/data
> which is the service endpoint for the Graph Store protocol by default. (It 
> needs a config file to change it - the UI puts it there automatically) where 
> the query one is http://foobar:3030/myDatasetName/query and the SPARQL Update 
> one is http://foobar:3030/myDatasetName/update.
> "myDatasetName" is whatever you you decided to call it.
> ((
> What you have actually done is POSTed to the web pages serving part of the UI 
> at index.html.  It just returns the web page.  if anything POSTs to an HTML 
> page, the content is thrown away (AFAIK true for all webservers).
> ))
>       Andy
> On 18/08/15 09:17, Andy Doddington wrote:
>> OK, I’ve created the model, which I can successfully print out using 
>> 'model.write(System.out, "RDF/XML-ABBREV”);'
>> However, when I use your code below, and do an acc.put(model) I find that 
>> there is nothing on the server, even though
>> no errors are indicated.
>> The URL that I am using for the createHTTP request is the URL of my Fuseki 
>> server: "http://foobar:3030”, which I
>> am inspecting using the built in web-based browser.
>> At the risk of stretching your patience, can you explain what I’m doing 
>> wrong? Given that there are no errors, I would
>> have expected the model to appear somewhere or other :-/ If I specify an 
>> invalid URL (e.g. incorrect port) then
>> I get an error, which seems to indicate that the code is actually talking to 
>> the server.
>> Thanks,
>>      Andy D.
>> ————————————————
>> On 17 Aug 2015, at 20:19, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>> DatasetAccessor
>> This is the API to the SPARQL Graph Store Protocol.
>> Model model = ...
>> DatasetAccessor acc = DatasetAccessorFactory.createHTTP
>>      ("http://.../datasets/data";) ;
>> acc.add(model) ; // adds to existign data, if any.
>> or
>> acc.putModel(model) -- which overwrites existing data
>> On 17/08/15 20:11, aj...@virginia.edu wrote:
>>> There may be a better answer for this, but at the very least, you can 
>>> serialize your triples/quads and use SPARQL Update to send them to your 
>>> Fuseki instance.
>>> ---
>>> A. Soroka
>>> The University of Virginia Library
>>> On Aug 17, 2015, at 3:08 PM, Andy Doddington <andy.dodding...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 17 Aug 2015, at 19:50, Andy Doddington <andy.dodding...@googlemail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hoping the subject makes my query clear - since I am a total newbie in 
>>>> this area.
>>>> I have created a tiny model, using ModelFactory.createDefaultModel() to  
>>>> create my initially empty model,
>>>> which I then populate manually.
>>>> So, having done this, is there any way that I can persist this to a Fuseki 
>>>> database running on a remote server?
>>>> Thanks for any help,
>>>>    Andy D

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