I wonder if the problem is to do with the datatype of the string resulting
from concat()?

Can you try doing a BIND(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale)) AS
?langMatch) in your query and selecting that variable out to see what
value you get, in particular I'm wondering if you are getting a typed

langMatches() wants a simple literal as the second argument and it is
possible that concat() is produced a typed literal

One possibility is simply to put str() around the concat() call and see if
that resolves things

There may also be some RDF 1.1 interaction going on here (if this is Jena
3.x) since literals without a type have an implicit type in RDF 1.1 that
may be causing the function evaluation to do the wrong thing which would
be a bug


On 28/01/2016 10:32, "Bardo Nelgen"
<mailing.list.in...@bnnperformances.de> wrote:

>Hi Andy,
>thanks for the immediate reply.
>We actually use "en-gb" for UK English in our model – but anyway…
>My test-Scenario looks like
>?lang = "de"
>?locale = "de"
>which in
>langMatches(lang("wort"@de-de),(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale))) )
>unfortunately does not evaluate as true, althoughthe "hard-coded" variant
>indeed does…
>Since we *always* deploy language-locale *combinations* throughout the
>data model – for fine grained targeting – using an adaption of your
>other example
>langMatches(lang("wort"@de-de),(concat("de","-","de")) )
>evaluates to "true" as well – outputting "wort"@de-de
>So the problem seems do lie in the string-making via str(?lang) and
>I also output both variables separately with the same query (for further
>processing) which tells me they are filled correctly; also being quoted
>in the result to demonstrate the string-property on both.
>What else could possibly go wrong with a simple to-string conversion ?
>Slightly confused greets,
>On 28.01.16 10.25 Uhr, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> On 27/01/16 20:35, Bardo Nelgen wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> most likely I am missing something here, but maybe I am simply doing it
>>> the wrong way:
>>> I need to match a language-locale value where both language and locale
>>> come from different branches in the data model.
>>> So what I came up with in my FILTER clause is
>>> langMatches(lang(?Headline),(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale))) )
>>> Is it meant to work this way or is the approach doomed by itself ?
>>> Any suggestions very welcome. :-)
>>> Regards,
>>> Bardo
>> If ?Headline, ?lang and ?locale are right it will work but did you
>> mean the arguments the other way round?
>> langMatches(lang("word"@EN-uk),(concat("en","-","uk")) ) ==> true
>> But
>> langMatches(lang("word"@EN),(concat("en","-","uk")) ) ==> false
>> The second argument is the language range,
>> langMatches("en-UK","EN") => true
>>     Andy

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