This just happened to catch my eye, and while I don't have a solution,
it does look like there could be something going on with datatypes.
If nothing else, here's some short code that might help in testing.
Using just ?locale:

prefix xsd: <>
prefix rdf: <>

select * where {
  values ?x { "color"@en-us "colour"@en-gb }
  values ?locale { "gb"^^xsd:string "gb"^^rdf:plainLiteral }

  filter langMatches(lang(?x), concat("en","-", ?locale))
| x              | locale           |
| "colour"@en-gb | "gb"^^xsd:string |

And now, using str(?locale)

prefix xsd: <>
prefix rdf: <>

select * where {
  values ?x { "color"@en-us "colour"@en-gb }
  values ?locale { "gb"^^xsd:string "gb"^^rdf:plainLiteral }

  filter langMatches(lang(?x), concat("en","-", str(?locale)))
| x              | locale                 |
| "colour"@en-gb | "gb"^^xsd:string       |
| "colour"@en-gb | "gb"^^rdf:plainLiteral |

This is in Jena 2.12, though:

$ sparql --version
Jena:       VERSION: 2.12.1
Jena:       BUILD_DATE: 2014-10-02T16:36:17+0100
ARQ:        VERSION: 2.12.1
ARQ:        BUILD_DATE: 2014-10-02T16:36:17+0100
RIOT:       VERSION: 2.12.1
RIOT:       BUILD_DATE: 2014-10-02T16:36:17+0100

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Bardo Nelgen
<> wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> thanks for the hint – seems you hit something here:
> The binding you described works properly as
> BIND(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale)) AS ?langMatch) .
> indeed returns "de-de" for the ?langMatch variable.
> However simple string-making via
> langMatches(    (lang(?mailHeaderSubject))  ,
> (str(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale))) )        )
> still won't match.
> Also tried to get around possibly implied datatypes in SPARQL by explicitly
> making the values for ?lang and ?locale to be of xsd:string in the RDF
> datamodel already.
> But unfortunately with no changes in the (not) matches.
> Any ideas ?
> As Andy already suggested, I'll try to compile a minimum working model
> (which may take some time, as the original is rather complex…) or set up a
> trial account on the test machine.
> Best,
> Bardo
> On 28.01.16 12.48 Uhr, Rob Vesse wrote:
>> I wonder if the problem is to do with the datatype of the string resulting
>> from concat()?
>> Can you try doing a BIND(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale)) AS
>> ?langMatch) in your query and selecting that variable out to see what
>> value you get, in particular I'm wondering if you are getting a typed
>> literal?
>> langMatches() wants a simple literal as the second argument and it is
>> possible that concat() is produced a typed literal
>> One possibility is simply to put str() around the concat() call and see if
>> that resolves things
>> There may also be some RDF 1.1 interaction going on here (if this is Jena
>> 3.x) since literals without a type have an implicit type in RDF 1.1 that
>> may be causing the function evaluation to do the wrong thing which would
>> be a bug
>> Rob
>> On 28/01/2016 10:32, "Bardo Nelgen"
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> thanks for the immediate reply.
>>> We actually use "en-gb" for UK English in our model – but anyway…
>>> My test-Scenario looks like
>>> ?lang = "de"
>>> ?locale = "de"
>>> which in
>>> langMatches(lang("wort"@de-de),(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale))) )
>>> unfortunately does not evaluate as true, althoughthe "hard-coded" variant
>>> langMatches(lang("wort"@de-de),"de-de")
>>> indeed does…
>>> Since we *always* deploy language-locale *combinations* throughout the
>>> data model – for fine grained targeting – using an adaption of your
>>> other example
>>> langMatches(lang("wort"@de-de),(concat("de","-","de")) )
>>> evaluates to "true" as well – outputting "wort"@de-de
>>> So the problem seems do lie in the string-making via str(?lang) and
>>> str(?locale).
>>> I also output both variables separately with the same query (for further
>>> processing) which tells me they are filled correctly; also being quoted
>>> in the result to demonstrate the string-property on both.
>>> What else could possibly go wrong with a simple to-string conversion ?
>>> Slightly confused greets,
>>> Bardo
>>> On 28.01.16 10.25 Uhr, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>>> On 27/01/16 20:35, Bardo Nelgen wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> most likely I am missing something here, but maybe I am simply doing it
>>>>> the wrong way:
>>>>> I need to match a language-locale value where both language and locale
>>>>> come from different branches in the data model.
>>>>> So what I came up with in my FILTER clause is
>>>>> langMatches(lang(?Headline),(concat(str(?lang),"-",str(?locale))) )
>>>>> Is it meant to work this way or is the approach doomed by itself ?
>>>>> Any suggestions very welcome. :-)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Bardo
>>>> If ?Headline, ?lang and ?locale are right it will work but did you
>>>> mean the arguments the other way round?
>>>> langMatches(lang("word"@EN-uk),(concat("en","-","uk")) ) ==> true
>>>> But
>>>> langMatches(lang("word"@EN),(concat("en","-","uk")) ) ==> false
>>>> The second argument is the language range,
>>>> langMatches("en-UK","EN") => true
>>>>      Andy

Joshua Taylor,

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