Hello Al,

I do not understand why it is so difficult for you to generate some IRIs
for a users that have an ID. Just use your own namespace and append the
ID. And generating graphs depends on the triple store that you use. In
Jena for instance, you could use some methods of the Dataset [1], like


Kind regards,

> A. Soroka,
> The syntactical form of my user id values, is a variable containing 
> "U0000001" through "U9999999" - the user id is assigned when an end-user 
> first logs on to the system, with their e-mail and password - as long as the 
> account is valid, the end-user retains the same user id  assigned to it when 
> they first logged on (registered)...
> I still need to know how to generate the Named Graph based on IRI, etc?
> Thank you,
> Al 
>     On Thursday, July 7, 2016 6:25 AM, A. Soroka <aj...@virginia.edu> wrote:
>  What is the syntactical form of your user id values?
> ---
> A. Soroka
> The University of Virginia Library
>> On Jul 6, 2016, at 10:14 PM, Al Shapiro <als...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
>> Daniel,
>> I want to create a Named Graph "X", based on User-Id, the data for each 
>> named Graph is created on the fly, when a Match occurs against the Default 
>> Graph (which has already been loaded to the Jena TDB)...
>> I need to know how to generate the Named Graph based on IRI?
>> Do I create a NameSpace for the IRI?
>> Please give me an example...
>> Thank you,
>> Al  
>>     On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 6:45 AM, Daniel Hernández <dan...@degu.cl> 
>> wrote:
>> I suggest that you first translate your data to RDF using an script 
>> (e.g., in Ruby, Python, etc.) to generate a text file in one of the RDF 
>> serialization formats that support named graphs (e.g., nquads). Then, 
>> you can load the data into jena using tdbloader.
>> Daniel
>> El 06/07/16 a las 01:10, Al Shapiro escribió:
>>> Daniel,
>>> Thank you, this gives me part of the answer...
>>> Can you give me an example(s) of the IRI's that you used to name your Named 
>>> Graphs and how they are defined as an IRI, in Sparql?.
>>> Please withhold any proprietary info...
>>> Thank you again,
>>> Al
>>>       On Tuesday, July 5, 2016 9:55 PM, Daniel Hernández <dan...@degu.cl> 
>>> wrote:
>>>   Hi Al,
>>> Yes, you can use any IRI to name graphs. Thus, in particular you can use
>>> user ids to compose names of graphs.
>>> Daniel
>>> El 05/07/16 a las 23:58, Al Shapiro escribió:
>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>> I am a Newbie at Jena Sparql and I would like to know how you addressed 
>>>> the value of each Named Graph you created, for example, I have 
>>>> successfully used GRAPH qm:g1 to create a Named Graph "g1", can I 
>>>> substitute a variable for "g1" such as "user _number", to create multiple 
>>>> Named Graphs based on the value of "user _number"?
>>>> Thank you for help...
>>>> Al
>>>>         On Monday, July 4, 2016 8:38 PM, Daniel Hernández <dan...@degu.cl> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>     Hi Chris,
>>>> It is possible. In fact, I have loaded 57 million of named graphs and
>>>> then queried without problem. You can see the details in
>>>> http://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~dhernand/research/ssws-2015-reifying.pdf
>>>> Daniel
>>>> El 04/07/16 a las 19:21, Chris Jones escribió:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> How many named graphs can Jena gracefully handle? Hundreds, thousands,
>>>>> millions? I've found references to Jena handling large triple stores,
>>>>> with billions of statements; but nothing about how many named graphs.
>>>>> I'm writing a system where I'm considering giving each remote client
>>>>> its own named graph where it uploads data. I'm further considering
>>>>> keeping historical data, so the client would get a new named graph
>>>>> each time it sent its data. I'm curious if this is a bad idea.
>>>>> Chris

Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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