if you want to keep track of the provenance of data, you can use named
graphs. If your graphs are small (fine-grained) enough then this may give
you the necessary precision to refer any triple back to its source.

On 18/01/2017 7:49 am, "Grahame Grieve" <grah...@healthintersections.com.au>

> >
> > Add a stage to parsing which built a Triple to location map
> (ParserProfile
> > receives the line and column number).
> >
> > The look up in that map to find the source of the triple.  Imperfect in
> > the general case but for working on a single file it might do what you
> are
> > looking for.
> >
> yes I could do that. I'll add it to my list.
> Grahame

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