A reply on dev@:


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On 02/02/17 08:12, Lorenz B. wrote:

do we have any release notes so far or is it just the JIRA [1].
Otherwise, maybe some pointers to things that are really new and how to
use them would be interesting for users like me.
So far, I filtered by "new feature" and "improvement" [2], yet some kind
of documentation would be nice. For me the most interesting parts are
probably the RDFConnection and the resultset-autoclosable util.



Hello, Jena-folks!

Let's vote on a release of Jena 3.2.0.

Everyone, not just committers, is invited to test and vote. Three +1's from PMC 
members permit a release, but everyone is not just welcome but _needed_ to do 
really good full testing. If a non-committer turns up an issue, you can bet I 
will investigate fast.

This is a distribution of Jena and also of Fuseki 1 and 2.

Versions being released include: Jena @ 3.2.0 (RDF libraries, database gear, 
and utilities), Fuseki 1 @ 1.5.0 and Fuseki 2 @ 2.5.0 (SPARQL servers).

Staging repository:

Proposed distributions:


Git tag:

Please vote to approve this release:

    [ ] +1 Approve the release
    [ ]  0 Don't care
    [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...

This vote will be open to the end of

   Monday, 6 February, 23:59 UTC

Thanks to everyone who can help test and give feedback of every kind!

      ajs6f (A. Soroka)

Checking needed:

• Does everything work on MS Windows?
• Does everything work on OS X?
• Is the GPG signature okay?
• Is there a source archive?
• Can the source archive really be built?
• Is there a correct LICENSE and NOTICE file in each artifact (both source and 
binary artifacts)?
• Does the NOTICE file contain all necessary attributions?
• Does the tag in the SCM contain reproducible sources?

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