Hi Anuj!

Thanks for the clarification.

However, I'm still not sure I understand the situation completely. I know Maven can perform a lot of tricks, but Maven modules are just convenient ways to structure a Java project. Maven cannot change the fact that at runtime, module divisions don't really matter (except that they usually correspond to package sub-namespaces) and the Java classloader only sees a single, flat package/class namespace and a set of compiled classes (usually within JARs) in the classpath that it needs to check to find the right classes, and if there are two versions of the same library (eg Lucene) with overlapping class names, that's going to cause trouble. The only way around that is to shade some of the libraries, i.e. rename them so that they end up in another, non-conflicting namespace. Apparently Elasticsearch also did some of that in the past [1] but nowadays tries to avoid it.

Does your assumption 1 ("At a given point in time, only a single Indexing Technology is used") imply that in the assembler configuration, you cannot have ja:loadClass declarations for both Lucene and ES backends? Or how do you run something like Fuseki that contains (in a single big JAR) both the jena-text and jena-text-es modules with all their dependencies, one of which requires the Lucene 4.x classes and the other one the Lucene 6.4.1 classes? How do you ensure that only one of them is used at a time, and that the Java classloader, even though it has access to both versions of Lucene, only loads classes from the single, correct one and not the other? Or do you need to have separate "Fuseki-Lucene" and "Fuseki-ES" packages, so that you don't end up with two Lucene versions within the same Fuseki JAR?


[1] https://www.elastic.co/blog/to-shade-or-not-to-shade

01.03.2017, 11:03, anuj kumar kirjoitti:
Hi Osma,

I understand what you are saying. There are ways to mitigate risks and
balance the refactoring without affecting the existing modules. But I will
not delve into those now. I am not an expert in Jena to convincingly say
that it is possible, without any hiccups. But I can take a guess and say
that it is indeed possible :)

For the question: "is it even possible to mix modules that depend on
different versions of the Lucene libraries within the same project?"

I actually do not understand what you mean by mixing modules. I assume you
mean having jena-text and jena-text-es as dependencies in a build without
causing the build to conflict. If that is what you mean than the answer is
yes it is possible and quite simple as well. Let me explain how it is
possible. But before that some assumption which I want to call out

1. At a given point in time, only a single Indexing Technology is used for
text based indexing and searching via Jean. What this means is that we will
either use Lucene Implementation OR Solr Implementation OR ES
Implementation at any given point in time.
2. Fuseki build does not depend on any Lucene 4.9.1 specific classes but
only on jena-text classes, if at all.

Based on these assumptions it is possible to create a build that contains
jena-text based common classes + ES specific classes without any
compatibility issues. And it is infact quite simple. I did it in the
current jena-text-es module and ran the entire build which succeeded.
The key is to include the latest Lucene dependencies at the very beginning
in the pom and then include jena-text dependency. Maven will then
automatically resolve the dependency issues by including the Lucene
librarires that we included in our es specific pom. Have a look the pom of
jena-text-es module here to see how it can be done :

Anuj Kumar

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 7:27 AM, Osma Suominen <osma.suomi...@helsinki.fi>

Hi Anuj,

I understand your concerns. However, we also need to balance between the
needs of individual modules/features and the whole codebase. I'm willing to
put in the effort to keep the other modules up to date with newer Lucene
versions. Lucene upgrade requirements are well documented, the only hitches
seen in JENA-1250 were related to how jena-text (ab)used some Lucene
features that were dropped from newer versions.

A perhaps stupid question to more experienced Java developers: is it even
possible to mix modules that depend on different versions of the Lucene
libraries within the same project? In my (quite limited) understanding of
Java projects and libraries, this requires special arrangements (e.g.
shading) as the Java package/class namespace is shared by all the code
running within the same JVM.

So can you create, say, a Fuseki build that contains the current jena-text
module (depending on Lucene 4.x) and the new jena-text-es module (depending
on Lucene 6.4.1) without any compatibility issues?


01.03.2017, 00:47, anuj kumar kirjoitti:


My 2 Cents :

 The reason I proposed to have separate modules for Lucene, Solr and ES is
exactly for avoiding the "All or Nothing" approach we need to take if we
club them all together. If they stay together and if in the near future I
want to upgrade ES to another version, I also need to again upgrade Lucene
and Solr and possibly another implementation that may have been added
during the time. As we all know, this means weeks of work if not months to
get the changes released. This will personally de-motivate me to do
anything and I will probably start maintaining my version of Jena-Text as
that would be much simpler to do than to upgrade and test and in the
process own(read fix bugs) the upgrade for each and every technology.

If they are developed as separate modules, they can evolve independently
each other and we can avoid situations where we cant upgrade to latest
version of Lucene because we do not know what effect it will have on Solr

We can start with having a separate Module for Jena Text ES and see how
things go. If they go well, we could extract out Solr and Lucene out of
Jena Text.

Again this is just a suggestion based on my limited industry experience.

Anuj Kumar

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 5:23 PM, Osma Suominen <osma.suomi...@helsinki.fi


28.02.2017, 17:12, A. Soroka kirjoitti:

? In other words, might it be better to factor out between -text and
-spatial and _then_ try to upgrade the Lucene version?

I certainly wouldn't object to that, but somebody has to volunteer to do
the actual work!

I don't use the Solr component now, but I could easily see so doing...

that's pretty vague, I know, and I'm not in a position to do any work to
maintain it, so consider that just a very small and blurry data point.

Last time I tried it (it was a while ago) I couldn't figure out how to
it running... If you could just try that with some toy data, then your
point would be a lot less blurry :) I haven't used Solr for anything, so
I'm not very familiar with how to set it up, and the jena-text
are pretty vague unfortunately.


Osma Suominen
D.Sc. (Tech), Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
P.O. Box 26 (Kaikukatu 4)
Tel. +358 50 3199529

Osma Suominen
D.Sc. (Tech), Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
P.O. Box 26 (Kaikukatu 4)
Tel. +358 50 3199529

Osma Suominen
D.Sc. (Tech), Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
P.O. Box 26 (Kaikukatu 4)
Tel. +358 50 3199529

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