> RDF4J (formerly known as Sesame, Eclipse license)

"RDF4J (formerly known as Sesame) is an open source Java framework for 
processing RDF data."
I'm not looking at a framework, I'm only interested in the database component. 
Like, say, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc... That's why I'm interested in Fuseki and 
not Jena.

> Apache Giraph (Apache license)

Is this "like Fuseki, but for larger graphs"?

> Neo4j (GPLv3 license)
> Blazegraph (GPL license)

I don't want to support companies that uses the "community edition"/"enterprise 
edition" model, especially when the open source version is only offered as a 
bait to sell other non-free software on top of their "enterprise edition"

> Apache Spark GraphX (Apache license)

If I'm correct Apache Spark is a framework for cluster computing, which is 
probably a very particular use case far beyond that mere use of a graph 
database for a relatively small project that don't require clusters

> Titan (Apache license)


> I think you will find navigating this space easier and more profitable with a 
> goal in mind.

My goal is simply to learn more about graph databases, so I want to install and 
use one. I've installed Fuseki, but I found SPARQL to be overly complex 
compared to other query languages.

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