I use "urn:ex:..." in a lot of my test code (short for "urn:example:").

Then the predicate is "urn:ex:time/now" or "urn:ex:time/duration" or
whatever you need...

On 12 April 2017 at 09:49, Laura Morales <laure...@mail.com> wrote:

> > The question is a bit unclear. If there is no existing vocabulary that
> > you can resp. want to reuse, then you have to use your own vocabulary
> > which basically just means to use your own URIs for the predicates.
> Right, so let's say I don't want to define any new vocabulary, but I just
> want to use some predicates. For example a predicate called "predicate1"
> and "predicate2". These are not meant to be shared, I use them for whatever
> reason and I take full responsibility to shooting myself in the foot. Is
> there any "catch-all" or "default/undefined" vocabulary that I can use? I
> mean something like a default vocabulary that parses as valid URIs, but
> whose meaning is undefined (= the interpretation is left to the user)?
> Something like "<subject> <undefined:predicate1> <object>" and "<subject>
> <undefined:predicate2> <object>"... I wonder if I should use "<subject>
> <_:predicate1> <object>" but I'm not sure?!

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