There's no way (as far as I know) right now to propose a particular context (or other profile information) via HTTP when accepting JSON-LD:

Or is your expectation that Jena would somehow figure out to do what you want unhinted? If you can define a very clear and specific algorithm by which Jena could conservatively guess at the right way to build a @context, it might be implementable.


Laura Morales wrote on 10/7/17 10:21 AM:
The problem is that Fuseki (when I select JSON-LD output format) creates a 
@context with as many properties as there are URIs. For example

  "@context" : {
    "name" : {
      "@id" : "",
      "@type" : ...
    "surname" : {
      "@id" : "",
      "@type" : ...
    "age" : {
      "@id" : "",
      "@type" : ...
    "ex": ""

whereas all I want is

  "@context" : {
    "ex": ""

Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2017 at 12:37 PM
From: "Andy Seaborne" <>
Subject: Re: Change DESCRIBE @context
The result Model from DESCRIBE has the prefixes of the data and the
query. There can be multiple prefixes for the same URI.

How that gets processed by JSON-LD is another matter and I don't know
the details.


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