Not talking about proposing Fuseki a context/frame. I'm OK with a 
auto-generated context. But Fuseki is creating a new prefix for every URI (see 
previous email). Rather than creating 100s of new prefixes, it would be more 
useful if Fuseki would reuse the same PREFIXes that were already specified with 
my query. To see what I mean, send a DESCRIBE query and compare the Turtle and 
JSON-LD outputs. If my query was

    PREFIX ex: <>
    DESCRIBE ...
    FROM ...

Turtle will return predicates such as

    <ex:name> "My name"

whereas JSON-LD will return

    <name> "My name"

because it creates a new prefix (in the context) called

    "name": "";

I'm just asking that even the JSON-LD output uses the user defined PREFIXes as 
does Turtle.

Makes sense? Please let me know if I wasn't clear.

Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2017 at 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Change DESCRIBE @context
There's no way (as far as I know) right now to propose a particular context (or 
other profile information) via HTTP when
accepting JSON-LD:

Or is your expectation that Jena would somehow figure out to do what you want 
unhinted? If you can define a very clear
and specific algorithm by which Jena could conservatively guess at the right 
way to build a @context, it might be


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