Do you know how the original GZip archive was generated?

Jena uses the standard JDK GZip support to read GZip archives. The JDK doesn’t 
support the case where multiple separate GZip streams are concatenated into a 
single file. Therefore, if the archive was created in that way Jena might only 
read the first stream from the archive and ignore the subsequent streams.

Extracting with rapper probably uses the OS gzip directly or a library 
implementation of it which does handle this concatentation

 Is this a file you could share somehow?


On 17/10/2017 03:55, "Andrew U. Frank" <> wrote:

    i experience a strange effect (replicated a few times):
    i upload data in nt.gz format and get a success message, but only a part 
    (sometimes less than 10%) are uploaded.
    if i extract the nt file from gz.nt and then convert with rapper to 
    turtle format, i get an information on how many tripels are in the nt.gz 
    file and when i then upload the ttl file all triples are loaded.
    i use the browser upload.
    any explanation? i use fuseki 3.4.0.
    thank you!

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