can i ask for clarification (my application is perhaps somewhat similar to Laura's):

when i use the sparql update protokoll to store data, am i not using fuseki? I define my TDB in fuseki (in the run/configuration directory) and i start a fuseki server which is the endpoint to receive the update queries. i had the impression, that s-put is essentially doing wget to the sparql endpoint.

is this (more or less) a correct understanding? how would one start the TDB or TDB2 server without fuseki?


On 11/26/2017 02:54 PM, ajs6f wrote:
"s-put" has nothing to do with TDB2-- it is entirely about SPARQL Graph Store 
protocol. It would work perfectly well with any implementation thereof, including 
non-Jena ones.

You will find in the bin/ directory of a Jena distribution a series of CLI 
tools for working with TDB2 databases, called tdb2.tdbquery, tdb2.tdbupdate 
etc. They work very much like their TDB1 counterparts. They will let you work 
against your TDB2 database without Fuseki.

If all you want to do is load data and query it yourself, you don't need 
Fuseki. You can just use the CLI tools. tdb2.tdbupdate will let you handle your 
graph replacement chore easily.


On Nov 26, 2017, at 2:46 PM, Laura Morales <> wrote:

Is this just for your own exploration

in which case you might want to avoid Fuseki entirely and just work with TDB
I can issue SPARQL queries directly at TDB2 without using Fuseki?

My original problem still stands tho :) Is "s-put" the only way to replace a 
graph in a TDB2 dataset? Is there any CLI tool (non http) that can manipulate a TDB2 
dataset to replace a graph with another (eg. replace wikidata with a new dump)?

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