On 23/02/18 10:33, Nouwt, B. (Barry) wrote:
Hi Eric, glad that configuration works. Since you disabled the ja:baseModel you can 
probably also disable the <#graph> and :datasetTDB2 configuration. Are you then 
sure this still creates a TDB2 database? Since you are no longer explicitly stating 
it should. It will probably just create a MemoryModel instead, in which case it is 
not really a solution to your problem.

I do not know what the Exception means, sorry.
Mixing these two

 ja:baseModel <#graph> ;
 ja:content <#test-inf> ;

looks like it it triggering the same transaction issue, but in a different way.

When ja:baseModel is commented out, it is going to an in-memory graph for the InfGraph.


Regards, Barry

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Boisvert [mailto:denevers1...@gmail.com]
Sent: donderdag 22 februari 2018 15:51
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Re: Configuring fuseki with TDB2 and OWL reasoning

this works (inferrence works). Note, I commented out ja:baseModel


<#model_inf> a ja:InfModel ;
      #ja:baseModel <#graph> ;
ja:content <#test-inf> ;
      ja:reasoner [
          ja:reasonerURL <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/OWLFBRuleReasoner>
      ] .

<#graph> rdf:type tdb2:GraphTDB ;
   tdb2:dataset :datasetTDB2 .

  ## Storage
:datasetTDB2 rdf:type tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ;
     tdb2:location "c:/fuseki/run/databases/gsip".

<#test-inf> ja:externalContent "c:\\fuseki/test.ttl" .


if I don't comment , I get this exception (which is expected I think)

[2018-02-22 09:09:47] Server     ERROR Exception in initialization: the
loading of content into
file:///C:/fuseki/run/configuration/gsip.ttl#model_inf was abort ed because of 
[2018-02-22 09:09:47] WebAppContext WARN  Failed startup of context 
org.apache.jena.assembler.exceptions.TransactionAbortedException: the loading 
of content into file:///C:/fuseki/run/configuration/gsip.ttl#model_inf was 
aborted  because of NodeTableThrift/Write
     root: file:///C:/fuseki/run/configuration/gsip.ttl#model_inf with type:
http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2005/11/Assembler#InfModel assembler class: class 
     root: http://base/#dataset with type:
http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2005/11/Assembler#RDFDataset assembler class: class 


2018-02-20 5:59 GMT-05:00 Nouwt, B. (Barry) <barry.no...@tno.nl>:

Hi Eric,

Another thing I noticed is that you said you were manually loading the
data via the GUI after Apache Jena Fuseki has started. Maybe that data
is not stored in the correct location (i.e. the baseModel of the
InfModel) and there the reasoning fails?

You could try to load the data on Apache Jena Fuseki startup
automatically using a configuration like below (or is that no longer
possible when using

<#model_inf> a ja:InfModel ;
         ja:content <#test-inf> ;

<#test-inf> ja:externalContent <file:///opt/data.ttl> .

Regards, Barry

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Boisvert [mailto:denevers1...@gmail.com]
Sent: maandag 19 februari 2018 23:25
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Re: Configuring fuseki with TDB2 and OWL reasoning

made the change.

Now I get

Result: failed with message "Not in a transaction"

when I try to load from the interface



[2018-02-19 17:21:31] Fuseki     INFO  [5] Filename: test.ttl,
ication/octet-stream, Charset=null => Turtle : Count=4 Triples=4 Quads=0
[2018-02-19 17:21:31] Fuseki     INFO  [5] 500 Not in a transaction (29 ms)

Thank you very much helping me with this

2018-02-19 9:00 GMT-05:00 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>:

On 19/02/18 12:46, Eric Boisvert wrote:

:dataset a ja:RDFDataset ;
      tdb2:defaultGraph       <#model_inf> .
## tdb2:location  "c:\\fuseki/run/databases/gsip".

ja:defaultGraph  not  tdb2:defaultGraph

:dataset is a plain, in-memory dataset to hold the InfModel


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