> In thinking about possible future work, could I ask what level of
> reasoning do you need? (not "want" :-)

For my needs the most important reasoner is the "nodeA same-as nodeB" reasoner. 
Because what I've seen using various graphs is that people use all of sorts of 
ways to link an entity from a graph to the entity of another graph. They could 
link using a RDF property such as "schema:sameAs" but also using IDs like 
"graph1:nodeA <graph2:id> "dsat67gfsd"". Wikidata for example even uses the 
changing part (suffix) of URLs, for example if some other graph has 
<http://example.org/Something>, Wikidata is linked as "<wikidataID> 
<wikidataProperty> "Something"". So it's damn tedious to find all the nodes 
across graphs that actually represents the same entity.
I don't know if this is already possible to do with the current Jena/Fuseki. I 
always wanted to look into it but haven't had the time yet.

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