
It's a parse because DELETE is SPARQL Update and the query editor is for query. In SPARQL, they are different languages.

There is some way (IIRC) to use the UI with update but I can't remember how - maybe someone else can answer that part.


On 28/11/2018 11:28, Vincent Ventresque wrote:

Sometimes I have a '400 Parse error' when typing a query in Fuseki UI.
-- Here, the query string 'delete {?s ?p ?o } where {?s ?p ?o }' doesn't work at first. N.B.: I hadn't pasted the string from other software, everything had been typed in the query dialog box. -- If I change the string for a construct query (cut 'delete', type 'construct' instead), it's ok. Then I cut 'construct' and type 'delete' again, this time it works.
-- Nothing in log file

I get this error with fuseki 3.9.0 and 3.5.0.

I've uploaded a screenshot of the UI + a .txt file where you can see the infos (install version, terminal output) :

Do you have encountered this problem? Do you know where it comes from?

Thanks in advance,


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