On 28/01/2022 13:46, Alani, Yasir wrote:
Thank you very much Andy,

My thinking was that if the target node's conformance depends on other nodes 
its connected to, then surely it wouldn't conform if they didn't conform, from 
a logical point of view.

So you are looking for two validation errors?

When validating the whole graph there are violation on

sh:focusNode  yas:Wheel_1 ;


sh:focusNode  yas:Car_1 ;

because there are two targets, not because there is a nesting of targets.

Nesting targets does not add to validation of a specific node. (see the SHACL spec for the violation algorithm). Only target nodes are reported.

If you want a subset of the data, validate all the relevant targets, or validate the whole graph and look in the validation report (which is RDF), or write specific shapes that do what you want.

Partial validation isn't formally defined.

Is it possible at all to suggest maybe adding a third overloaded property that 
explicitly ignores the sh:qualifiedValueShape declarations? It could be called 
validateIgnoreQSD or something. Is this the right place to make such a 

Wouldn't that be changing the validation algorithm in the spec?

We already have a language for describing validation in SHACL itself.
You could write the form a shape that you want - you can modularize using owl:imports and sh:node.


I am very grateful for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
Sent: 28 January 2022 12:50
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Re: FW: Validation issue

On 28/01/2022 12:27, Alani, Yasir wrote:
Hi Andy,

Have you had a chance to look at the difference between the overloaded "validate" methods 
of "ShaclValidator", in terms of qualified value shapes.

See message of 2021-01-27.

Jena gets one validation error - this is correct. If you call it with one 
target node, you only get the validation errors for that target node.

That's what the command line is doing as well.

shacl v -data data.ttl -shapes shapes.ttl \

NB: You need to call it with 
not "yas:Car_1".

public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    String DIR = ....
    Graph data = RDFDataMgr.loadGraph(DIR+"/data.ttl");
    Graph shapes = RDFDataMgr.loadGraph(DIR+"/shapes.ttl");
    Node target = NodeFactory.createURI
    ValidationReport report = ShaclValidator.get()
        .validate(shapes, data, target);
    RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, report.getGraph(), Lang.TTL); }


Apologies if I bothered you with this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
Sent: 27 January 2022 08:40
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Re: FW: Validation issue

On 26/01/2022 22:49, Alani, Yasir wrote:
*The node to be validated is "yas:Car_1"

Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
From: Alani, Yasir <y.al...@tees.ac.uk>
Sent: 26 January 2022 22:38
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: RE: FW: Validation issue

Hi Andy,

Thank you for responding.

What I meant by "work" is producing the correct/expected result, which is the 2 violations you 
received. The issue only seems to happen when I try to validate a node using the method "validate(Shapes 
shapes, Graph data, Node node)". The node in this case is "aso:Car_1". This method doesn't 
seem to 'like' qualified value shapes, as it returns 0 violations.

I get one violation when calling:

shacl v -data data.ttl -shapes shapes.ttl \

There are two target nodes. yas:Wheel_1 and yas:Car_1

"Per node"  is "find which shapes have the node as a target node and call that 

If the specified node isn't in the targets of the data+shapes, you get zero 


However, when I validate the entire data graph using method "validate(Shapes shapes, 
Graph data)" I do get 2 violations. Are these methods designed to work this way?

I was using Jena 4.1.0 and even when I updated to Jena 4.3.2, I still get the 
same results.

I used the old (TQ) shacl playground, which returned 2 violations as well.

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
Sent: 26 January 2022 20:41
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Re: FW: Validation issue


What is "work" here?

I get 2 violations with Jena 4.3.2 - the same as (current latest) TQ
shacl. (1 violation on a quite old, pre 4.x.x version of Jena - which
version are you running?)

Which SHACL playground did you use (there are two).

The old (TopQuadrant) SHACL playground returns 2 violations.
The Zazuko one returns 2 violations.

[ rdf:type     sh:ValidationReport ;
      sh:conforms  false ;
      sh:result    [
          rdf:type                      sh:ValidationResult ;
          sh:focusNode                  yas:Wheel_1 ;
     "Data value \"600\"^^xsd:float is not less than or equal to 200" ;
          sh:resultPath                 ( yas:hasDiameter yas:hasValue ) ;
          sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation ;
          sh:sourceConstraintComponent  sh:MaxInclusiveConstraintComponent ;
          sh:sourceShape                []  ;
          sh:value                      "600"^^xsd:float
      ] ;
      sh:result    [
          rdf:type                      sh:ValidationResult ;
          sh:focusNode                  yas:Car_1 ;
"QualifiedValueShape[1,_,false]: Min = 1 but got 0 validations" ;
          sh:resultPath                 yas:hasComponent ;
          sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation ;
             sh:QualifiedMinCountConstraintComponent ;
          sh:sourceShape                []
] .


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