Fresh start of the server didn't help. I'll try in a fresh 4.6.1 install in few days.


On 21/09/2022 9.15, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
Weird, only 10M triples and each triple pattern returns only 1 binding, thus, the size is tiny - honestly I can't think of anything except for open connections, but as you mentioned, running the queries with only one triple pattern works as expected, so that too many open connections shouldn't be an issue most likely.

Can you reproduce this behavior with newer Jena versions like 4.6.1?

Or can you reproduce this on different servers as well?

Is it also stuck of your run the query directly after you restart Fuseki?

On 19.09.22 13:49, Mikael Pesonen wrote:

On 15/09/2022 17.48, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:

- size of result for each triple pattern? Might affect if hash join can be used.
It's one row for each.

- your hardware?
Normal server with 16gigs mem.

- is it just the first query after starting Fuseki? Connections have been closed? Note, there was also a bug in a recent Jena version, but only with TDB and too many open connections. It has been resolved with release 4.6.1.
Jena has been running quite a while.

Might not be related, but I'm mentioning all things here nevertheless.

On 15.09.22 11:16, Mikael Pesonen wrote:

This returns one row fast, say :C1

FROM <https://a.b.c>
  <https://x.y.z> a ?t .
  #?t skos:prefLabel ?l

and this too:

FROM <https://a.b.c>
  #<https://x.y.z> a ?t .
  :C1 skos:prefLabel ?l

But this always hangs until timeout

FROM <https://a.b.c>
  <https://x.y.z> a ?t .
  ?t skos:prefLabel ?l

What am I missing here? I'm using Fuseki web GUI. Thanks!

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Mikael Pesonen
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