On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>

> - We also removed method #topologyBuilder() from KStreamBuilder because
> we think #transform() should provide all functionality you need to
> mix-an-match Processor API and DSL. If there is any further concern
> about this, please let us know.

Hi Matthias,

Yes, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I still have a lot of concerns
about this.  You're correct to point out that transform() can be used for
some of the output situations I pointed out; albeit it seems somewhat
awkward to do so in a "transform" method; what do you do with the retval?

The PAPI processors I use in my KStreams app are all functioning on KTable
internals.  I wouldn't be able to convert them to process()/transform().

What's the harm in permitting both APIs to be used in the same application?


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